Bingiplier x reader

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You knock on the ipliers door. You were going to go see your boyfriend Bing cause you to were going on a date tonight. The door opens and your greeted by Dr.iplier. He smiles. "Hey Y/n, you here to see Bing?" You nod your head. "Well come on in" you walk inside the house. "He'll be down in a bit" he walked away and you sit on the stair by the door. You smile a little while thinking about all the other dates you and Bing have been on. 7 dates but will be 8 tonight. You feel hands cover your eyes and you jump a little. "Guess who~" he purrs in your ear. You think for a second. "Google?" You ask. He takes his hands off your eyes and sits by you. "You could of said any other name,but you just had to pick Google?" Bing says. "Yes" he chuckles and kisses your cheek. "So what are we doin' tonight?" He asks. "I was thinking you could pick where we go." His face lights up. "Really!?" He says. "Yes". He runs up stairs and you tilt your head, confused. He runs back down stairs with his skateboard in hand. He grabs your hand and drags you out the door. He sets his skateboard on the sidewalk and hopes on it. He looks at you. "Get on!" He smiles but it soon fades as he sees you looking nervous. "I don't know Bing. I think we should just walk." You nervously say. "But we'll get there much faster on my skateboard" "I know know I'm not good on a skate board and I don't want you to get hurt". He smiles and hops off. He picks up his skateboard and puts it under his arm. He grabs your hand and smiles. "We can walk" he says. You smile. "Thank you" you kiss his cheek. "What can I say exempt your welcome" he sings. You giggle and you both walk to the skatepark.

Time skip brought to you by lin-manuel Miranda

You watched as Bing was skating on the half pipe. You smiled at how happy he looked. You really do wish you could skate. But, your not good at balance. You tried roller skating but you couldn't do that either. You could kinda ice skate but not very well. You noticed that Bing was walking toward you. He sits by you and you put your head on your shoulder. "You looked like you were having fun." "it would be more fun with you." You sigh. "What you wanna do know?" You ask. "Go get ice cream and head down to the boardwalk?" He asks. "Sounds fun" you both get up and walk to the boardwalk. He wraps his arm around tour waist and you smile.

Time skip brought to you by Moana

You were walking with Bing on the boardwalk looking around. You stopped by an ice cream place and got (your favorite ice cream) while Bing got chocolate with fudge on it. You both finished up your ice cream and saw a band playing. From what you heard they were playing Moana music! "Bing can we go listen to the band!?" You exiditly say. He smiles. "Sure." You grab his hand and drag him over to the band. They were playing 'your welcome' on of your favorite songs. You also loved 'how far I'll go' and 'shiny'. You walk up to it and stand in the back of the crowd. You smile.

"Oohh I see what happening yeah.
Your face to face with greatness and it's strange.
You don't even know how you feel.
It's adorable.
Well it's nice to see that humans never change.
Open your eyes let's being.
Yes it's really me, it's Maui
Breath it in
I know it's a lot
The hair
The bod
When your staring at a demi-god.
What can I sat exempt your welcome..."

You and Bing sing. You sing a few more songs and the head back to his house. You both sit on his porch steps. "I had a lot of fun tonight" you scoot closer to him. He blushes. You lean your head on his shoulder. You both blush a bit. "I had fun to baby" he smiles. You kiss him on the lips. He blushes more. Bing really wasn't one to kiss you on the lips. Really, it was only the cheek, your nose, or your forehead. But when it's in the lips it gets heated quick. He closes his eyes and your wrap your arms around his neck while his wrap around your waist. His hand goes up your shirt and you pulls away panting. "B-bing we can't do this on your porch." You say. He smirks a little and pulls you closer. You put his hands on his chest. "Then let's go to your place and get a little crazy~" you blush. He picks you up bridal style and walks to you house.

Googles pov

Me and the other ipliers were watching Y/n and Bing from the window. They started making out and Bing put his hand up her shirt. We all looked suprised. We didn't even think Bing would ever do that. They start talking and them he picks her up bridal style and walked away. We're silent for a few seconds and then Wilford says "Think there gonna have sex?" We all look all him and he just shrugs. "Probably" I say.

Back with you and Bing

No were not having sex. We're just watching R rated movies while eating popcorn and snuggling. "You think the others saw us?" He asks. "Most likely" "they probably think we're having sex." "Probably" you shrug.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now