Zombie love (Rob)

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You were laying on the couch with Chases kids while watching tv. They wanted to watch SpongeBob so you turned it on. Stacy never let the kids watch SpongeBob cause it was 'to inappropriate'. Well it was but there young and don't get any of it. You looked at the clock. 6:45. Stacy would be here to get the kids for the week so they could go to school. Chase would get to see them on the weekend and sometime the week when they didn't have school. There was a nock on the door. You got up and opened it. There stood the one and only Stacy. She had her arms folded. You sighed. You walked back to the living room. "Sam, Grayson you mother ishere to get you." You say. The both sigh. They get up and hug you. You bend down to there level and hug them back. "Goodbye Aunt Y/n." They both say. You were like Chases sister so his kids always called you there Aunt. They got there stuff and walked into Stacys car. They didn't even say hi to her. The more time they spent with you and the other egos they wanted to stay as long as they could. You walked up to Stacy before she could walk away. You put your hand on her shoulder. She looks at you. "Your were a fucking idiot for wanted a divorce. Soon enough those kids are gonna be old enough to notice what a fucking witch you are. Those kids love Chase more than anything and don't get enough time with him." You glare at her. "You know nothing about raseing kids and Chase couldn't provide for us." She says. "I know nothing about raseing kids!? I grew up with five younger brothers and seven younger sister! I was the one who raised them cause our parents were never around us. So don't even think I don't know anything about raising kids!" You say. She scoffs at you and walks to her car and drives away. You growl and walk back to the couch. You sit down. Rob walks over to you. "You ok?" He asks. "I'm fine. I'm just pissed at Stacy." He wraps a arm around your shoulder. You lean your head on his shoulder. He smiles. He always loved it when you would lay your head on his shoulder or hold his hand. He loved physical contact just to know your there. Chased walked into the living room. "Were are the kids?" He asked "Stacy picked them up" he frowns. "What's in the bag?" You asked. "Oh. Just some stuff I got for the kids. I can give it to them next time they come over" he walks up to his room. You felt bad for Chase. He doesn't deserve this and neither does his kids. Stacy deserves to be burned at the steak. You and all the other egos hated her. She was just a witch! She doesn't even know how to raise her kids. Anti walked in to the living room. "What's up with Chase?" He asked. "Stacy..." you mumbled. "Are you sure I can't kill her? I could call up Dark and have him make all the evidence dissappear. It would be like she would of never existed" Anti suggests. "Thats....a bad idea" Rob says. You nod in agreement. Anti sits on the couch and you all watch SpongeBob.

This is not how I wanted it to end...buy I wasn't that bad

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now