Run and Go (Googleplier)

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I can take them on my own, my own. I'm not the one you know, you know. I have killed a man and all I know is I am on the run and go.

Google stood in front if the dead man. Google didn't know what came over him. He just had the sudden urge to kill. His shirt had blood stains on it. There was a crowd of people surrounding him. Cops were pointing guns at him. He didn't know what to do.

Don't wanna call you in the night time.

You were sitting on your computer scrolling down social media.

Don't wanna give you all my peices.

Goggle clutched onto his knife and ran to one of the cops and stabbed him.

Don't wanna hand you all my troubles.

Your face was tired. You had been up pretty late waiting for Google to return home.

Don't wanna give you all my demons.

Googles smirk was cold and evil. His eyes were blood red. He finally came to his senses. He blinked and his eyes turned back to normal.

You'll have to watch me stuggle from several rooms away.

He covered his face and teliported back home. With a loud thud he fell on the floor. You heard the loud noise and walked toward the source of it. "...Google?" You walk into the room. There you saw Google on the floor with his hand wrapped around his chest while the other was propping him up on the floor. His head had blood dripping down from it. "Google!?" He gives you a faint smile and passes out.

But tonight, I need you to stay.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now