Damien x Reader Part One of Two

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Sorry for suck the long Gap between now and the last time I updated

Also I like to think that Damiens last name is Dark also you and Dames are married

BTW I know Damien at one point walked into the room and starts talking but for the sake of this story he is already in the room


Celine slammed open the door, "Stop! What are you doing!?" She yelled. You followed close behind her. "Who the hell are you," Abe asked. "Celine? What you doing here?" Coronel asked. "Y/n? Sweetheart you shouldn't be here." Damien says to you. "Celine? Y/N? How the hell do you know them?" The detective asked. "Mrs. Dark, Madam I'm afraid you've come at a very opportune time," Benjamin says. "Something dreadfull has happened here." "We can see that," you told him. "Glad we got here before it got any worse," Celine added. "This is only the tip of the iceberg," Chef says, "and it's a big iceberg. How can I put this delicately. MARKS FUCKING DEAD!" "What?" "No..." You mumbled. "Dead like my hopes and dreams." Chef mumbled. You walked over to Damien and gave him a peck on his cheek and held his hand. "And he's a zombie to." Chef finishes. "Homonocrosis." "Exactly, hence the guns." "William I highly doubt that's why you have guns out." You tell him. "She's right, it's not 'hence the guns'." Detective adds and waves his gun around. "Stop waving those bloody guns around!" Ben yelled. "Hold on tell me what happened. How did Mark...die?" Celine says. "It was murder," Damien chimes in, "and worse, the body is missing." He adds. "What?" Celine says. "Show me and don't say that word." She says. For some reason you feel like you, her, and Damien are the only ones who understand to not say  that word. "What word?" You knew it. "Murder?"


"Yes that word." You were all suddenly in the living room. You were standing next to Ethan, the new district attorney. You had me him a few times before. "Well I mean murder is a very accurate description" "do you not see the lighting!?" Celine smacks his arm and asked. "You saying it was lighting that murdered Mark?" "Well mother nature does strike me as having murderous intent. Unless you count the time I was sucked into the board game Jumanji!" "Stop! Stop!" Celine says. You lean over to Damien. "May I talk to you in another room?" You asked him. "Of course sweetheart." Damien politely excused you both and you walked out side. Once outside, you hugged him tight and he hugged you back. "I was so worried about you." You whispered. "I never planned on staying this long. After Marks mysterious death I got caught up in all this." He explained. "Do did it happen?" You asked him. "That's what we're trying to figure out. It was after poker night and Ethan found Marks dead body." He explained. You were at a loss of words. Lighting roared. Some one said it. You sighed and giggled a little. Damien smiled and kissed your forehead. Lighting roared again and you and Damien were sitting at a round table with everyone else. You had a headache from all this... teleporting? "Marks death is a terrible thing indeed. But I fear there are forces much darker than anything we've seen him today." Celine explained.
"I'm well-versed in the Arcane arts. But if you untrained and uninitiated can summon lightning with a meer word. We're all in far graver danger then anything we could ever hope to face alone. We need to work together to survive this." She finished. "Celine, what are proposing?" Damien asked. "We need to speak with Mark." You looked at Damien and said. And yes, you understood what Celine said. She explained a lot of this to you before. Chef slames his hand on the table. "I knew it! He's a flesh eating zombie!" "No" you said. "Well mabey if of those smart zombies! Homiosaphozombifis." Coronel proposes. "No! No! I need to commune with the dead." "That doesn't sound like a good idea." Detective says. "Well it's a good thing I don't need your permission." You and Ben look at each other and silently laugh. "But you!" Celine points at Ethan. "You've been awfully quite through this whole thing." She says. "With those beady little eyes." Chef says. "And wearing those rags." "Mabey I shouldn't have trusted someone so god damn gorgeous." Ethan looks at Coronel. "I'll pass." Will says. "But I feel like I can trust you. I sence that you have a far greater part to play in all this. Will you help me find an answer?" Celine says to Ethan. He nods his head. He was never in to speak much. "Perfect." She smiles. "Come with me." "Alright that's enough! I'm not just gonna sit around and let you drag my partner to their very likely death. I won't stand for it!" Abe slams his hands in the table and gets up. "Well I trust Celine with all my heart. I see no reason why a-any any one should doubt her." Coronel chimed in. "Well I have to agree with our intrepid detective. Just doesn't seem natural." "I neveriked this up tight asshole. Walks around with a stick up his ass. But I think he's right. Somethings weird." Chef says.


I'm not dead

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