A Princesses power (Markiplier)

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Your sisters in thus are real people I know in real life


You were sitting by your window. Looking out it watching all the busy people walking down the street. Going to there jobs, seeing friends and family, or just to get out of the house. It was a quiet in the castle. Just like every other day. You looked down at your hand. It was holding the last letter Mark sent you. He was a knight, just like his friends, Sir JackSepticeye, Sir Crankgameplay, and Sir Apacalypto, or know as to you, your sisters, and Singe, Mark, Jack, Ethan, and Tyler. They were the bravest Knights in all the land. You had Mark, Signe had Jack, your sister Savannah had Ethan, and your sister Emma had Tyler. Right now they were all with them. You were just waiting on Mark. He would of been here by now. It was odd that he didn't return with the others. It had been months since you had last seen him. It felt like year. Mark meant everything to you. You heard a knock on your bedroom door. "Come in" you say. One of the maids came in and handed you a letter. "Thank you" you tell her. "Your welcome ma'am" she said and left. You opened the letter.

My dearest, Y/n

I am sorry to say I haven't returned yet. I have been on journeys on my own that I needed to attend to, and if you just know it was some of my father's business he needed to take care of before his passing. My bother, Thomas, would of taken care of it but he was ill. He is better now. My quest is almost over and I am happy to say I will be reunited with you soon.

Yours forever,

You smiled. It's good to know that he's all right and you were glad that Thomas was doing well since you heard from Ethan that Thomas got sick. You heard another knock on your door. "Come in!" You said. The door opened. Signe cane in. "Do you wanna come down to Market with me and the others?" She asked you. You were running low on paint anyway. You nod your head and stand up. She smiled. You both walk down to the others.

In the Market

You were walking around looking at all the people. The others went to do some couples thing on the other side of town. It was boring being all by yourself. You walked toward the forest and sat under a tree. You saw two fawns playing and running around. There mother just sitting there watching them play. You smiled. As the sun beamed down on you something covered your eyes. "Hello Princess~" the person purred in your ear. "Mark?" You questioned.

"Not quite"

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