Ed Edgar x reader

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I got the idea for this while watching Moana on a Friday night and on Pinterest on my phone....thought you guys should know


It was late at night and Ed was laying on on one side of the bed just thinking. You layed on the other side of the bed, sleeping. You've been pregnant for about 8 months and Ed was just counting down the days till the kid was born. He has never been more scared in his life. He has done some...questionable things in the past, that he regrets now.

He turned towards you and saw that you were laying facing in his direction. "Hey" he whispered. "You awake?" He waited a few seconds and confirmed that you were sleeping. He shuffled down so he was facing your belly. He sighed. "Um...hi? You probably don't know me but...I'm your dad" he began speaking to the baby. What he didn't notice was that his talking had awoken you.

"Y-you haven't been born yet and we've never really met but I really do love you and your mom. She's a very nice lady and she's really pretty to. It still amazes me that, out of everyone she could've chose, she picked me. I know I won't be the best father, but I promise you now, that I will try" he whispered.

He softly put a hand on your belly and planted a kiss on it. You opened your eyes slowly and looked down at him. You glanced at the clock. "Your waking me up at 3:17? How dare you" you joke. He looks up at. "I-i thought you were asleep" he quickly asked. "You woke me up when you started talking" you chuckled. "I'm s-sorry" he shimmied up and layed back down on his pillow and covered himself back up. You leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek. "You'll make a great dad, I know you will" you smiled. "Thank you"

11 years later

Your daughter, Violet, came running down the stairs. "Mom!" She shouted. You and Ed we're sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and eating breakfast. "Yes sweetie?" You asked and looked at her. "I'm am bleeding from my area and im scared" she said. You chuckled and Ed looked over at you two. "It's all right it's just-" "the elder God's demand tribute" Ed cut you off and said. You looked at him and smaked him upside the head.

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