Darkiplier x Daughter!Reader

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"(Y/n) get back here!" Dark said as he chased you down the hallway. You were 12 right now but you had the mental age of a 6 year old. "You gotta catch me!" You yell back. *smack!!*. You ran into a wall.

Darks eyes widen. "Sweetheart, are you ok!?" "Y-yeah I'm fine". Dark smiles and picks you up and puts you on his shoulder. "Guess what we're going to do today" "were gonna...." you stroke your chin. "Were gonna...go troll Anti on the Internet?" Dark chuckles. "No were gonna go see Wilford!"

Your eyes light up. You loved Wilford. He was your best friend. Well beside Dark, but he was your father. "When are you and Wilford gonna get married?" You ask Dark as you both walk to the car. Darks face turned red. "Well...we've only been dating for a year and a half." You smile.

"Well you could still propose"

(Time skip)

You had arrived at Wilfords house and hour ago and you were laying on the couch watching a movie while Dark and Will were in the kitchen talking.

(Wilfords pov)

I was french-kissing Dark. It's not like the first time I ever french kissed him. Hell, every other kiss we have is a french kiss. I pull away "D-dark we gotta s-stop. (Y/n) is in the living room". Dark smirked and licked my neck. I moan lightly.

He starts to bite my sweet spot. God he knows me so well. He leans in and whispers in my ear. "I want you~" he says in the sexy voice that drives me crazy. Damn it! I'm hard! Dark chuckles and picks me up and brings me to my room. He pins me to the bed.

"Let's have some fun~"

(Your pov)

I hear moaning. Oh no...there doing it! I put my headphones on and listen to the whole (favorite musical) soundtrack. I turn it up all the way. Luckily, these are amazing head phones where I'm the only one who can hear it no matter how loud it is. "D-DARK!" I hear Wilford yell.
This is gonna be a long night.

This is personally one of my favorites

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