Kid!Yandereplier x Reader x Kid!King of the squirrels

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Part two
And some Host x Reader to

You,Yan,King were all in the living room playing with Chica. Mark dropped her off about an hour ago. Yan was tossing the toy around so Chica could go get it. You looked over at the stairs and saw Dark and Host walk down stairs. "Hi sleepy heads" you throw the toy at Chica and she catches it in her mouth. "Hi" Host responds. Dark doesn't respond and goes into his office. Chica walks over to Host and licks his hand telling him she wants pets. "Hello Chica" host bends down and pets her. She kisses his face. He smiles and stands up and walks to the library. Chica walks back over to you and lays her head on your lap. Chica loved you more than Mark. I know crazy right. Anytime you come over to hang out with Team Iplier Chica follows you everywhere. Mark got so jealous when she didn't even come near him for a hole day when you were there. You and Chica have a bond just like you and Diva (Dark!Chica). Right now Diva was in the backyard for punishment cause she bit Dark and ripped up some of his work. Yan and King walked over to you and sat down. "Why does Chica always lay with you!?" Yan wines. "We have a bond" you tell them. "Like how me and the squirrels have a bond!?" King asks. "Yep". "Could me and my Senpai have a bond to!?" Yan says worried. You chuckle. "Yes you and your Senpai could have a bind too. Any one can have a bond. Human. Animal. It doesn't matter. Everything has feelings. Even Dark" you say. You look over at the entrance to the library and think about Host. Yan and King both look at the door and then back at you. Yan gasps. "You like Host!" He smiles. Your eyes widen. "Don't say that so loudly" you tell him. They both smirk and run into the library. You get up and walk out side with Chica following you. You look for Diva and see her in her dog house. "Diva come here girl!" She looks at you and runs and jumps on you tackling you to the ground. You giggle as her and Chica luck your face.

Hosts pov (pov auto corrected into love for some reason and I laughed)

I was sitting in the library reading this book that I found. It looked good and it is. It's about this man who can't hear and this one girl accepted him when no one else would. So she learned sign language to communicate with him. I was deep into the book when I felt a tap on my shouder. "Hi Host!" "Hello Yandere" I say. "We need to tell you something" King says. "What is it?" I ask. There's a pause and I assume that there looking at eachother. "Y/n likes you!" They both say and then run off. I blush. She likes me? I get up and narrate for a second to see where she is. I walk out of the library and walk into the bak yard. I see her throwing a toy for Chica and Diva. She smiles and I blush. She looks at me. "Oh, Hey Host!" I smile and wave at her. I sit down on the back porch steps. She walks over to me and sits down. She looks away. "They told you didn't they?" Host looked at you and smiled. He puts his hand on your cheek and makes her look at him. "Host likes you to" he leans in and kisses her.


Yan and King were watching from the second floor window. When they say you both kiss....they high fived eachother.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now