Doggo (Bingiplier)

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You walked down the street late at night. Around 8:47. It wasn't that dark but it wasn't light out. As you walked towards your home you spotted something out of the corner of your eye. It looked...furry. You slowly walked towards it. You look down and see a little Golden Retriever laying in a card board box. "Aaawww...poor pup" you say and bend down to slowly pick em up. You look and see that they don't have a collar. "Who would leave a cutie like you all alone" you look at them. The pup looks up at you and it's tail started wagging. "C'mon, let's get you clean and warm." You unzip your jacket and hold the pup close and zip your jacket back up.


You carefully opened your front door and stepped in. After locking it behind you, you made your way to the living room. Bing is sitting on the couch watching TV. He looks over you and smiles. "Hey baby." He says as you walk over to him and sit down. Before you can speak, the pups head sticks out of the top of you jacket. Bing looks at the pup. "Surprise...?" You nervously say. You unzip the jacket and hand the puppy to Bing. He takes it and looks at it in aww. He lifts the puppy up a little. "Yep, it's a boy" he says. You chuckled a little. "That's the first thing you check?" "Just gotta know" he smiles and pets him. "So where did you find the little guy?" You lean your head on his shoulder. "In a box in the street. I couldn't leave him there" you look up at him and say. Bing smiles widely. "Can we keep him then!?" He nearly shouts. "Promise to take good care of him?" You ask him and fold you arms. "I promise!" "Then we can keep him." Bing sets the pup down and pulls you into a bear hug. "Thank you!" He yells and kisses you on the lips. Before you get the chance to kiss back Bing picks up the pup and sits back down with him on his lap. The pup starts to lick him face and Bing laughed. "So what are you gonna call him?" You asked. He thought for a minute and finally said, "Scout". "That's a cute name." Bing looks at you. "Cute name for a cute pup" he leans in and kisses you on the lips, actually giving you time to kiss him back. After a minute or two of kissing scout gets annoyed and starts walks over and starts to lick your face.

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