Car Ride (Teamiplier)

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In this you live with all of Marks alter egos

Mark being the brilliant genius he is decided that TeamIplier and you should go on a team bonding trip. He decided that we all would go out of town for three days and spend the whole time together. The first day you would all split up into groups of Three. So you,Amy, and Kathryn and Mark,Ethan,and Tyler. If anything, you thought it was gonna be chaos considering your every day was chaos and that the trip to the hotel and back was six hours. You were sitting in the back next to Ethan while Mark was driving and May was in the passenger seat. Tyler and Kathryn were sitting behind you and Ethan. "So what are we gonna do?" You asked as Mark pulled out of the drive way. "Were gonna do dumb stuff!" Mark reply. "So the normal?" Kathryn asked. "Yep!". You pull out your i-pod and put your earbuds/headphones on. You plug your earbuds/headphones into your i-pod and listen to music. You shrug and lag down with your legs on Ethan. He didn't mind though. You always lay your legs one him on car rides. A few minutes into the car ride Ethan says, "Mark I'm bored!". "Well we could play some road game?" Mark suggestions. "That sounds fun" Amy say. "So what are we gonna do?" Tyler asks. "Well..." "we could sing at the top of out lungs!!" Ethan suggests. "I like that idea" you say. "Well then let's do it" "...what are we gonna sing?" Kathryn asks.


"EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR AMERICA'S FAVORITE FIGHTING FRENCHMAN! LAFAYETTE!!" Everyone yells exept you. "I'M TAKING THIS HORSE BY THE REINS MAKING RED COATS REDDER WITH BLOOD STAINS!!" You yell. You all start bursting out laughing. "That was so dumb" Mark says between his fits of laughter. "What we doing now?" Tyler asks. "What about the don't laugh challenge?" Mark suggests. "In the car?" Amy ask. Mark nods his head up and down. You shrug. "I got like 10 water bottles in my bag" you tell everyone. "I say we do it!" Ethan says.


You had water in your mouth while the others were trying to make you laugh. "How come dinosaurs can't talk? Cause there dead." You look at Mark and shake your head. Ethan gets close to your face. "I wish my wife wasn't dead" he says. You look at him with wide eyes. The timer on Amys phone goes off. You swallow the water not wanting to get it on the car. Since Ethan and Amy already spit it out laughing you didn't want to. "Ethan you have problems" you look at him. He slowly nods his head up and down. "Tyler it's your turn" Ethan says. Tyler puts water in his mouth. You grab your phone and pull up a funny picture and show it to him.

 You grab your phone and pull up a funny picture and show it to him

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He makes a stern face nor laughing at all. "Fuck" you mumble and find another funny picture. Ethan and Mark start tell Tyler all the things he's better at than them.

"Your better at being tall" Mark says

"You have better hair than us" Ethan says

"Your better at having a big dick"

"Your better at having a small dick"

He laughs and spits the water on the back of your head. "Wtf!? You asshole!" You yell at him. Everyone starts laughing. "Great now I'm covered in Tyler spit! If you were gonna spit on someone at least spit on Ethan!!" You laugh. Ethan looks at Tyler and shakes his head no. "Don't spit on me!" You grab a water bottle and open it. You dump it on Ethan head. "What was that for!?" He yells. "Remember when you dumped a gallon on milk on me last week? That was payback" "you could've just waited till we got to the hotel to do it!"

"Well you can't change your clothes in the car"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now