Kids (Chase Brody)

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I don't know how court cases work but just bare with me here
(L/n)= last name


You, Chase, and Stacy were waiting for the jury and judge to make the final decision to see if Chase got custody of his kids. Chase was so nervous. He thought he wouldn't get to see Sam and Grayson ever again after Stacy told him she wanted a divorce. He loved his kids to death and would sacrifice his life for them. Stacy only cares for herself. One of the Jury members stands up. "Miss, (l/n) if we could ask you a few questions?" You nod and stand up. "Does Mr.Brody live near the kids school?" He asked. You nod your head. "Yes, he lives about five minutes away from there school" you tell him. "OK and how many people live with Mr.Brody?" He asked. "Me, and five other people but it's usually quiet and there is barley to no fighting" you answer. "And finally do the kids like the other people Mr.Brody lives with?" "The kids love them" you say. "Thank you" he says. You sit back down. Chase grabs your hand from under the table and squeezes it. You look at him and smile. "It's gonna be ok" you whisper loud enough for only him to here. He smiles. "Thank you". A few minutes later the same jury member stands up. "We have decided that Mr.Brody will get custody of his children" he says. Chases face lights up. "Court dismissed" the judge says. Everyone gets up and Chase and Stacy go up to the judge to see when they get the kids. You walk out of the building and wait for Chase to get out. A little bit later Chase comes out with a paper. He looks at you and smiles. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you on the lips. You gladly kiss back. You both pull away and he hugs you tighter. "I'm so happy!" He tells you. "I can tell" you hug him back. You look at your watch. "We better go pick up the kids from school" you say. "Let's go"


You, Chase and the kids pulled up to the house. You and Chase told the kids that you were gonna prank the others and tell them that Chase didn't get custody of them. You told them to wait in the car and you would come and get them. You and Chase walked up to the house you opened the door and the other Septiceyes were standing there. "Zo how did it go" Schneep asked. Chase fake frowned. "We didn't win" he says. The other walk up to him and comfort him. "It's ok" Anti says. "I'll be right back. I forgot something in the car" you say. The others nod. You walk out of the car and get Sam and Grayson. You all giggle. You walk into yhe house with them in your arms. "Hey guys" you say. "Not now Y/n" Marvin says and looks at you. He looks back at Chase and then emediently looks back at you. "They tricked us" Marvin says as you set the kids down. They run up to the huddle and hug Schneep and Rob. "Don't be sad!" Sam says. "Were right here!" Grayson finishes. They all look down at them and smile. Schneep pick up Sam while Anti picks up Grayson. Schneep looks at Chase. "So you lied to uz just to make us more happy so ze the kidz?" Schneep asks Chase. Chase nods his head. "Vell it worked!" He hugs Sam and she laughs. Chase walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your cheek. "Thank you" he says. "For what?" You asked. "For being the best Mother figure these kids ever had" you chuckle. "Well mabey one day I can become there step-mom" you say. "I'd love that"

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