Bad Dream (Markiplier)

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You were sleeping in bed with your Boyfriend Mark. You both we sleeping peacefully until Chica let out a little howl. You opened your eyes a little and looked down at Chica. She was laying on her doggie bed. She was awake now. You got up from your bed and walked over to her. She looked at you and he tail started to wag. You sat down and petted her head. She licked your hand. "Did you have a bad dream?" You said. She got up and layed back down on your lap. You smiled and comforted her. Mark rolled over and felt for you and noticed you weren't there. He opens his eyes and sat up. He saw you sitting in the floor with Chica in your lap. His two favorite girl in the world were just being so cute. "What's wrong with Chica?" He asked. You didn't look away from Chica. "She had a bad dream so I'm comforting her" you told him. He smiled. "C'mon Chica get up here" he told her. She got up from your lap and walked over to the bed. She hopped up there. You got up on the bed and you both snuggle Chica till she was ok. She got back on her doggie bed and fell back asleep.

Marks pov

I don't know we're I was but it was Dark. I looked around and didn't see anything exempt darkness. "Mark!" I know that voice all to well. I look in front of me and saw Y/n. Her, Ethan, Tyler, Kathryn, Amy, and my family. They were all beaten, bruised, and bloody. I wanted to help them. But I couldn't. I can't move. "Mark!" She crys out again. I wake up with the feeling of something wet on my hand. I open my eyes and see Chica licking my hand. I sigh. It was just a dream. "Mark...." I look over and see Y/n. When looks concerned. I look back at Chica. "Get up here" she jumps up on the bed and starts licking my face. I smile. "You ok?" Y/n asks me. "Yeah, I'm good. It was just a bad dream." I tell her. "Mark you were crying" I put my hand on my face and felt tears. I chuckle. "I guess I was." I say. "You ok now?" She asks. "Yeah. I have my favorite girls in bed with me. I couldn't be better." She smiles. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. Chica gives her a kiss and snuggles up between us. We all fall asleep snuggled together.

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