Kid!Yandereplier x Reader x kid!King of the Squirrels

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(F/f)=Favorite food
You sat up in your bed and yawned. You grabbed your phone and checked the time. 6:39. You sigh. You never got up this early. Normally, Bim or Wilford had to wake you up. You get out of bed and put on your Markiplier sweatshirt. It was cold in the morning. You un-plug your phone and put it in your pocket. You walk down stairs to the kitchen. You Walk Over To the fridge an grab the milk. You grab a bowl and put your self some cereal. You put the milk away and sit at the table. You here foot step coming down the stairs. They keep getting louder and you realise it's two pair of feet. You look over and see Yan and King in there pajamas(Yan and king are kids). "Goodmorning!" They both say. They walk up to you and hug you. "Morning you little trouble makers." You hug them both. "Oohh what are you eating?" King asks. "Cereal" you simply say. "Can we have some!?" Yan asks. You smile. "Sure" you get up and make them both a bowl of cereal. You set it on the table and they both dig in. "So how did you two sleep?" You as them. "We slept good!" Yan says. King nods in agreement. You giggle. You all finish your cereal and you put the bowl in the sink. You look over at Yan and King sitting at the table. There whispering to each other so you can't here. "What are you two whispering about?" You ask. They both look at you and smile. "We have decided that we will spend the whole day with you" Yam says. "Don't I get a say in this?" You ask. "Nope!" They both say. You sigh. "Fine. What do you two wanna do today?" They both look at each other and smile. "Go to the mall!" They both say. Your eyes widen. "Out of all the things you wanna do that?" They both nod there heads up and down. "Go get dresses and tell Wilford well be gone today. And wake him up in the most annoying was possible." You tell them. They nod and run up stairs. You walk up to your room and get changed.

Yans pov

Me and King ran up to our room and got changed. We out on our usual clothes but he didn't put peanut butter on his face. You both walk over to Wilfords room. I open the door and see him in his bed, laying on his stomach with his arm and leg hanging over the bed. We run up to his an jump on him. "Wilford! Wilford! Get up!!" I yell. He opens his eyes. " kids are gonna be the death of me" he says. We both laugh. "So what's your excuse for waking me up at" he looks at the clock. "7:40." He asks. "We wanted to tell you that Y/n, me, and Yan are going to the mall." King said. He groans. "Have fun". We get off of him and run to the door and put our shoes on.

Your pov

I walked down stairs wearing my Tiny Box Tim shirt and Jean shorts. I see Yan and King waiting by the door. "Ready to go?" I ask. They nod. I put on the shoes and we all walk out the door.

Time skip

You were all siting in the food court eating. You were eating (f/f) while Yan and King were eating Buger King. Your phone buzzes. You look at it and see that Mark texted you.

You mark

I need you to watch Chica for a few days

Why can't Ethan or Amy?

There busy

Yeah, I'll watch her. If your fine leaving her with the Egos to

Just keep a close eye on her. I don't want Ed trying to sell her

Can do!

I'll drop her off in an hour


You set your phone down and finish eating. "Were gonna be leaving in about a half hour." You tell them. They both whine. "Do we have to?" King asks. "Yes, because in an hour mark is gonna drop off Chica and we're gonna watch her for a few days." They both smile widely. "Yay! I love Chica!" Yan says. 'Doesn't everyone' you think.

Part two will just be filled with you,Yan,King, and Chica. It gonna be cute!

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now