Heathers (Wilford Warfstache)

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Wilford had no idea what you did on the weekend. You were always gone between five and seven. He constantly asked you but you just said you were with a friend. He could sense the lies. The day he went to see the Heathers musical he didn't expect to see you playing as Heather Chandler. The lead Heather and the meanest one of them. The exact opposite of you! "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw" you looked at the crowed. Wilford tryed to contain his laughter but failed miserably. He got home before you so he could suprise you. When you did get home Wilford was dressed as Heather Chandler. You broke down laughing. " What? I though I could look like you to" he told you. "I don't know what you mean" you had suddenly tensed up. He walked up to you and whispered in your ear. "Oh I know what you've been up to". Your eyes widen. "How about we go upstairs and I show you what I can do in a skirt" he whispered in your ear. You nodded furously and he picked you up and ran your to you to your bed room.

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