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JustLaur: Hi

ItsCameela: Long time no sees, fake Lauren

JustLaur: 2 jdays and alreafdy missing me?

ItsCameela: Nah

JustLaur: Admitt it

ItsCameela: Nah

ItsCameela: What have you been up to this weekend?

JustLaur: one petrformance in Dallas and childling yejsterday and tioday

ItsCameela: Ugh

ItsCameela: Quit the damn show please

ItsCameela: And type correctly, are u drunk?

JustLaur: Wmhatever

JustLaur: What ditd u dppo?

ItsCameela: Watched Netflix, chilled with Dinah

JustLaur: Netflix and cchill with thte bae

ItsCameela: Dinah is my best friend, ew

JustLaur: *wisth beunefitts

ItsCameela: Ew

ItsCameela: I watched Netflix by myself AND chilled with Dinah afterwards

JustLaur: So Dinah ain't ywour girl then?

ItsCameela: I ain't got no girl

ItsCameela: Living the forever alone life

JustLaur: You into girls tgho?

ItsCameela: Yes

JustLaur: Good.

ItsCameela: Not into you tho, fake Lauren

JustLaur: *Not yett

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