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"I so still can't believe this." Camila laughs as she and Lauren are lounging on the superstar's couch.

"Ha." Lauren laughs. "Me neither."

The two women had been talking for three hours straight and were sitting next to each other on the couch. "Can you sing for me?" Camila asks then.

"Fuck off." Lauren retorts. "I aint singing for no one." A smile on her face however to hide her harsh sounding remark.

"Hey Im not just anybody." Camila replies.

"That's true." Lauren says. "It's still a no though."

Camila let's out a dramatic sigh before laying her head down on Lauren's shoulder. "You're really her."

Lauren sits back and let's the girl's head lay on her shoulder comforably. "Yup."

"Why did you think I'd run away from you?" Camila wonders, looking up at the side of the singer's face. "I mean you already knew I had the biggest celebrity crush ever on you."

Lauren let's out a deep breath and shrugs. "I'm not the same person as I am on the camera." She replies darkly. "I'm a fucking mess, Camz."

Camila lifts up her head from the girl's shoulder and she reaches out for her hand, fireworks exploding when feeling the girl's hand in hers again. "You're you and you're perfect the way you are." She says.  "Everyone has their problems."

Lauren tears her eyes away from the beauty next to her and shrugs. "I have a lot of them."

"That's okay." Camila shrugs. "I'm not perfect either."

Lauren smiles. "Now aren't you?"

"Nope." Camila smiles. "I get grumpy when I don't have coffee with my breakfast." She says. "Now see, that ain't perfect."

Lauren's laugh roars through the room and it's the best thing Camila has heard in a long time.

"What?" She asks inocently.

"Camila you can't go without your coffee and I can't go without my whiskey. Quite some difference there."

Camila shrugs her shoulders then. "For any problem there's a solution."

"Not when the problem is caused by another problem."

"And what is that problem then?"

"Well, miss therapist, I'm an unhappy famous person who needs to do whatever they tell me, since I signed a contract three years ago."

Camila doesnt seem to know an answer for that one and so she stays quiet.

"Yeah." Lauren sighs. "That."

"Quit the whole thing then." Camila says. "Fuck the fame and shit."

Lauren laughs bitterly. "Sure girl."

"Im serious." Camila says, her thumb tracing over Lauren's hand.

"You know I can't just do that." Lauren replies.

"Cause of the contract?"

"And the fans." Lauren adds, looking down at their intertwined fingers.

"Take care of yourself." Camila says. "Everyone will understand."

Lauren tears her eyes away from their hands and gets up from the couch. "I can't."

"Stop saying that." Camila says from the couch, also getting up and following the girl to wherever she was going.

"Can we stop talking about this?" Lauren asks, her head down towards the ground. "I just met you in person and I'd like to talk about happy things."

Camila nods. "Okay but you have to know that you can always talk to me about this kinda stuff."

Lauren looks up with the tiniest smile on her face. "Thanks." She mumbles.

The girls stare at one another's faces for a little while until Camila can't take it any longer and giggles. Lauren joins her before speaking up. "You think those muffins are still good?"

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