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"Are we done here now?" Lauren asks, looking at the time on her phone. She also notices she has 11 missed calls from Camila, together with 9 unread messages. She decides to ignore them for now, not wanting the other girl to have any hope.

"You still have to go to the afterparty." Claire replies, to which Lauren internally groans. She doesn't show it however, and keeps a brave smile on her face.

"Great, let's go."

The party is at a different location and Lauren is driven there again of course. "I have to go back to the hotel for a phone call meeting, but I trust that you can do this on your own." Claire says, to which Lauren nods.

"Sure." She says, a little grin on her face.

"Carl will be there to pick you up and go to the hotel somewhere tonight." She adds. "Have fun."

"Oh I will." She says before stepping out of the car, surrounded by fans and security guards again as she does so and walks towards the huge club the afterparty is held at. The sound of loud dance music fills the pop singer's ears and when she walks into the building, she immediately walks over to the VIP bar where she was allowed to get drinks from, since of course, she was one of the VIPs.

Her security stays outside, since it's a club filled with other celebrities and further security inside was already taken care of. She takes place at one of the bar stools and orderes a Mojito.

"Lauren Jauregui." A voice says into her ear as her drink is handed over to her by the waiter.

"That would be me." She replies coyly, before looking over to her side, where the husky voice had come from. She's met with two brown eyes that aren't too familiar to her yet.

"Lucy Vives." Lauren says then, recognising the girl from several magazines and online articles.

The girl smiles. "Pleased to meet you."

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