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(This will be the last chapter of this story! )

Three weeks later:

Today would be their third day on the road. Camila had already done two shows while Lauren was safely hidden away in her huge 'CAMILA' bus. Her management knew about it. Lauren didn't have any management any longer and so she didn't care what the hell everyone thought.

She had to think of Camila and her awful contract however. And so she'd stay hidden in the bus, only coming out whenever they'd stop somewhere in some kinda forest. Which had only happened once so far.


"Shit!" The brown eyed girl cursed, her head popping out from underneath the blankets. Her sweaty hair is sticking to her face as she stares up at a smirking Lauren Jauregui, who just kinda lays there, playfully pushing her girlfriend's head back down underneath the sheets.

"Lauren!" The brunette hisses before quickly running a hand through her hair and sitting up, searching for the dress she'd been wearing before Lauren had 'accidentally' pretty much ripped it off of her body.


"Just a second, I'm coming!"

"That's what I thought just a minute ago." Lauren snickers as she lays on her back, entertained by how her girlfriend is stressfully getting dressed, looking way too messy to be in a meeting with her publicist and a ton of other management members in two minutes time.

"Fuck you." Camila tells her before ripping  the curtains separating her double bed from the 'hallway' section of the tourbus, to the side and checking if Trisha hadn't come in yet. She presses a quick kiss on her teasingly beautiful girlfriend's lips before rushing towards the bus' exit.

"Took you long enough, young lady."

"You're not my mom, Trisha." Lauren hears her girlfriend snap at her publicist, making her let out a loud laugh.

Oh she loves this kinda tour life.


Two months later

"Babe, look how cute you are!" Lauren says as she holds up her phone to show to her girlfriend, who is preparing mac and cheese for them to eat while watching Harry Potter.

"Babe, look how cute you are!" Lauren says as she holds up her phone to show to her girlfriend, who is preparing mac and cheese for them to eat while watching Harry Potter

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"Lo, stop GIFing me." Camila giggles as she stuffs the meal into the microwave and makes her way over to Lauren to kiss her cheek softly. "You're a douche."

"You're a douche." Lauren giggles. "Look at you, you're so fucking cute. I'm loving the little snapback phase you're having right now."

Camila inhales dramatically. "It's not a phase." She says in a high pitched voice, making Lauren laugh loudly.

"I love you, dork." Lauren giggles, pressing a kiss onto Camila's lips. "And I love touring with you. In fact. I might wanna become a permanent member of the bus crew."

"I love you too babe." Camila smiles but then a confused look spreads over her face. "But, bus crew?"

"You know, the crew that makes sure you get enough.. kisses." Lauren says, jumping forward slightly to pull Camila down onto the couch section of the bus and peppering her with kisses and smooches everywhere.

Camila is a giggling mess when the microwave signals them that their mac and cheese is ready. She quickly jumps off the couch, and retrieves the meal gladly.

"Well I love touring with you too." She says. "I couldn't have wanted a greater first tour than this one."

"Hey, we still have a month to go." Lauren says. "Don't make it sound all bittersweet already."

Camila nods as she walks back to the couch, a big bowl in her hand, together with two spoons. "I know Lo, but- but I'll miss it. I know I will."

Lauren smiles at her as she sits down next to her. Camila sets the bowl on her lap before clearing her throat. "Baby, I've been thinking.."

"O-oh, lord.." Lauren let's out, sounding worried.

A smile takes over Camila's features. "It's nothing bad, cutie. I think not, at least."

"Okay, well tell me." Lauren says calmly, staring into Camila's eyes.

"Well.. I- I would really like it if we'd- like.. move in together after this tour."

"R-really?" Lauren asks, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "You'd like that?"

"A lot." Camila says, biting her lip nervously as she studies the girl next to her. "Would you?"

"Camz, I'd love that." Lauren says, kissing her girlfriend's lips sweetly before coming to a realisation. "But wait.. the contract and- and him.." She says, pulling back slightly.

Camila had been 'dating' Matthew Hussey for two months now and the media absolutely loved it. Of course Camila and Lauren absolutely hated it, but there had been no way around it. Until Camila got some news the night before.

"We'll.. I spoke to Dinah last night.."

"Oh my god, could- did- did Normani win it?!"

Camila excitedly nodded her head before Lauren squeaked in joy and wrapped her arms around the brunette, almost knocking over the mac and cheese in all the excitement. "Fuck yeah!"

Normani, Dinah's girlfriend for over three months now, is a lawyer and Camila had hired her to 'undo' her contract in court so that she'd be free of all the unnecessary PR rules and would be able to date Lauren in public.

"You're- you're really serious, right?" Lauren breathes into Camila's ear.

"Yes Lo, she won it. I'll be able to stay with the label for the music, but I'm not obliged to offer them anything else than my voice and creative mind for the music that I wanna produce."

"Oh my god." Lauren breathes out, hugging Camila even tighter. "That's amazing." She says as she sits back and let's it sink in.

"No more sneaking around, baby." Camila says, pressing a kiss onto her girlfriend's lips.

"Wait." Lauren says. "Does this mean we're like.. coming out as a couple or something? Is that like a thing?"

"We have an interview with Ellen tomorrow." Camila replies drily, happiness dripping from her face as she smiles at Lauren with the biggest grin, unable to contain her excitement.

"Oh my god!" Lauren squeaks. "That's awesome. That's- whoa that's so cool."

"I know right! We owe Dinah and Mani, big time."

"Hell yeah we do."

"So- but- like.." Camila trails off. "Does this mean that you- ehm.. you- you wanna- ehh.."

"Yes, Camz, I wanna move in with you. Of course I wanna move in with you." Lauren says lovingly, before reaching forward and pressing her lips against her girlfriends'. "I love you so much."

Camila smiles as she looks into the most beautiful set of emerald eyes she's ever seen. "I love you so much." She says. "I mean I always have, but now I really do."

Lauren smacks her arm lightly and giggles. "Dork." She says.

"Your dork."



That was it for this one!! It's always hard to end a story for me, but here it is. I hope you guys liked it. I have some exciting news!! I uploaded the first chapter of my new story. It's called 'UNDERCOVER' and I think you guys will like it a lot. Be sure to check it out! 


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