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Days, weeks and even months went by after that day and Camila tried picking up her old life. Playing music with her band, going out with Dinah and studying for her upcoming exams, but even now, three months later, she couldn't get the green eyed girl out of her head.

"Chancho, it's May. We have exams next week, focus.." Dinah complains while Camila is staring out of the window.

"S-sorry.." She mumbles as she averts her eyes back onto the books they had just been examining.

"So if this note is an A, then this must be a G, since it's-" Dinah continued before stopping again. "You're still not hearing me, are you?"

Camila rapidly shook her head before groaning and placing her fingertips on her temples. "Ugghh.. fuck.." She sighs, her eyes averting back to the posters on the wall on her side of the room.

"Mila, you really need to try to get her out of your head.." Dinah says carefully, knowing just how sensitive this subject still was. "I know it's hard but it's been over three months since-"

"Three months exactly." Camila corrects her. "It's been three months since.. that day.."

Dinah sighs as she looks at her best friend. "I think it's time to do something drastic." She says then, suddenly getting up from her chair.

"W-what?" Camila mumbles, following wherever Dinah is going.

She watches how the blonde girl jumps on her bed and rips one of the posters right off her wall, figuratively cutting Lauren Jauregui, in half. "H-hey.." She mumbles, not having the energy to shout about the subject any longer. The anger had gone away quite some days ago and was replaced by sadness.

"Come on Chanch.." Dinah says, holding the half ripped poster up before ripping the other half off as well. "It's been long enough.."

Camila sits there, staring at her best friend as she tries to not start crying again while looking at those multiple recognisable eyes on the wall. "I don't know Dinah.." She mumbles. "I hate it.. but I.."

"You still care about her.." Dinah finishes her sentence. "I know.."

Camila just nods before getting up anyway and walking towards her bed as well. "Come on, try it. Maybe it will be good for you or something." Her best friend says as she gets up on her bed as well. She nods again then before reaching forwards and ripping her favourite poster off the wall, the one where the singer is holding the microphone in her hand while her green eyes bore into the lens of the camera. Camila feels herself tear up as she tries crumbling the poster up but fails because deep down, she doesn't want it to break.

She groans, throwing the large paper onto the floor as she lets herself fall onto her pillow while Dinah watches her from the end of the bed, where she's sitting. "I'm sorry.. thought it would help maybe.." She mumbles.

"It's okay Cheech.." Camila replies, staring at the ceiling as the green eyed girl occupies her mind once more. "It was worth a try."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now