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"Yeah well fuck you, Claire." Lauren mumbles, shifting in her seat.

"It's not my fault alone, you agreed with this pla-"

"Please shut up." Lauren waves her hand at her manager and looks outside the window of the huge building they were in. She taps on the table with her nails before looking back at her manager. "You can cancel all the plans we had for this week. I don't feel like doing-"

"You know we can't do that." Claire is quick to reply. "We ordered interviews and paparazzi meetings. You have to be there with him."

Lauren slams her fist onto the table, making everyone jump in their seats. "WELL I DON'T WANT TO DO IT." She shouts, her voice cracking at the end. "And you," She points at her manager, who looks down at her phone quickly. "better make sure I don't have to do this shit any longer or you'll be fired."

"You can't do that." Claire replies quickly.

Lauren looks to her side, where one of her best friends is sitting, her dad. He shakes his head however, and her heart sinks.

"Fuck you all." She says then, adressing all the people sitting around the huge marble table, including her fake boyfriend Louis.

She gets up, throws her chair all the way to the back and storms out of the building, immediately met with 10 paparazzi on the way out. "Shit." She hisses, knowing what this little outburst will do to her reputation. Especially since she came in together with her 'boyfriend' and is now storming out alone.

"Drive." She says as she practically jumps into her SUV.


67 times.

She had tried to call her 67 times.

But none of her calls had been succesfull, and every one of them made her feel more empty.

The raven haired girl takes another swig from the whiskeybottle in her hand and cleared her throat, trying to stop her crying. She rushes a hand through her hair before wiping some tears away and getting up from the couch.

Her vision is slightly blurred as she makes her way to the kitchen, where her phone is laying in the charger.

"Camila." She mumbles. "I don't even really know you yet I can't stop thinking about you."

JustLaur: Camz, pleaseg rejply.. I miss our talksj..

-Message did not arrive-

"FUCK!" Lauren shouts, her phone flying through the room. It lands on her wooden floor with a thud and she knows this would be her forth cracked screen this week. She leans against the kitchen counter and takes another swig from the bottle in her hand.

She and Camila hadn't texted for a week and she was on the edge of a total breakdown. She had even tried to find out where the girl lived but the campus of her college would be too big and she knew that. Also, she's a famous star, she can't just walk onto a campus like that.

Lost in her thoughts, she walks towards the stairs, ready to go to bed, since it was 2 a. m and the meeting that she would have tomorrow, would probably not be canceled.

That's when she hears the phone ring. Her eyes widen and she sprints back towards the living room, where her phone had landed. She almost trips over the couch but is able to reach her phone in time. The name on the screen makes her breath hitch.


Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now