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"That's me." The girl replies with a grin. The waiter also walks over to her and asks her what she'd like to drink. "Same as her." She replies shortly before another Mojito is handed to her seconds later.

"You don't actually like these kind of parties, do you?"Lucy asks, looking at Lauren intently while taking a sip of her drink.

Lauren shakes her head. "No." She says simply. "Do you?"

"No." Lucy replies. "So why are you here?"

"Management." Lauren shrugs, taking a sip of her own drink while looking at the pretty girl sitting on the barstool next to her.


"You're a model, right?"


"Didn't know models drank alcohol."

Lucy laughs laying a hand on Lauren's knee. "You probably don't know a lot of things about models then." She says. "Or me."

Lauren smiles at her, her eyes dart down towards her lips and she shakes her head. "Probably not."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now