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"Oh my god, you said you couldn't sing that well!" Lauren exclaims as both girls get up from the floor. "You're amazing."

"I- I just sang with Lauren Jauregui.." Is all that Camila mumbled. Lauren could see that she was still very drunk, since her eyes were droopy and her mouth hung half open.

"Your voice is reallly nice, miss Cabello." She said, guiding the brown eyed girl out of the home studio and into the hallway. "And i'd love to hear more of it."

Camila giggled and Lauren found it absolutely adorable. "Thanks." She beamed, holding onto the famous singer's arms for dear life.

The two girls walked through the hallway until they reached a door Camila didn't know yet. In fact, Camila didn't know what was behind any door, since this was only the third time she was in the house and she'd never been upstairs.

"I've never been upstairs before." She says, thinking out loud.

"Well, well, well.." Lauren smiles. "Upstairs in Lauren Jauregui's home, who would've thought you'd ever end up there. Maybe in your wildest dreams.."

Camila's cheeks turned completely red. "Lauren!" She called out, aiming to slap the girl's arm but missing and slapping herself instead. "Ouch."

Lauren laughs as she guides them into one of the bathrooms. "You're such a cute drunk."

Camila ignores her and looks around the massive badroom. "We should get drunk together once." She comments dryly as she looks around. She suddenly turns around to face Lauren then however. "Who knows what will happen.." She says, wiggling her eyebrows.

Lauren's eyes widen as she stares into a certain set of brown ones and she awkwardly clears her throat. "Ha well, I've been meaning to tell you this but.."
She takes a deep breath as Camila curiously watches her closely.

"I'm not drinking anymore." Lauren said then. "Or trying not to.."

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