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It's Thursday. The day of her album release. Camila is shitting herself.

"No I don't need any more, it's fine this way." Camila says to the make-up artist who was planning on slamming even more powder on her face. "Thanks." She adds, getting up from the chair and rushing over to where her manager was waving at her.

"Okay we're doing three songs, Inside Out, She Loves Control and All These Years, right?" Lisa, the manager asks her, her eyes worried.

Camila nods. "Yeah and are we ending with Havana?"

Lisa shakes her head. "No, we only got time for those three."

"Okay." Camila says, accepting the microphone that is pushed into her hands before someone tas her shoulder. She's too busy with guiding the wires through her dress however and ignores the feeling. She then feels it again however and quickly turns around. "Can you people wait for one- oh.."

A happy looking Lauren is stood behind her, a huge smile plastered on her face as she looks at Camila. "Hey." She says. "Stressy much?"

Camila's frown turns into a smile as she hugs the girl closely. "Very." She says into her ear, inhaling her familiar scent, which calms her down a little. When she leans back she almost wants to kiss those by now familiar lips, but Lauren quickly turns her head away.

"Camera's everywhere Camzi. Not now." Lauren smiles as she pulls the girl in once more, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "You nervous?"


"Yeah, you seem nervous."

Camila giggles before slapping the girls' back with her flat hand. "Shut up. Thanks for being here, how did you manage to do that?"

"Going undercover is one of my talents, I've learned."

"Smooth." Camila says as yet another person taps on her back. She turns around, frowning once more as one of the television people tell her she has three more minutes before she's planned to go on.

"You look gorgeous, Camila." Lauren says as she's staring at the beautiful brunette stood in front of her. "You're going to nail this performance, I just know it."

Camila smiles at the green eyed singer in front of her before noticing that there are many people looking at the both of them and realising she'd been holding onto her hands for a while now. She quickly let's go. "Thanks." She replies shyly.

"S-sorry, miss Jauregui.. ehm.. this place is only for staff members.." A small looking guy speaks up nervously.

Lauren nods, much to Camila's surprise. A few months ago, Lauren would've probably snapped and shouted at the guy, but now she hardly seems phased. It makes Camila smile even more. "Thank you for showing up here. It helped." She says before pulling Lauren in for a hug once more.

"I'll be in the audience watching you." Lauren says before putting up her sunglasses and the hood of her sweater. Camila laughs before turning around and taking a deep breath.

Lisa, her manager, smiles at her. "You got a sweet girlfriend."

Camila's mouth opens and closes again. "Oh- she's.. she's not my-"

"CAMILA CABELLO!" The host of the television program shouts loudly. It's her que to go on. A gentle push by Lisa is needed before she rushes towards the stage, where a loud audience applauds her.

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