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Lauren is has her eyes closed and tries her best keeping it that way as she listens to Camila's rapid heartbeat. "Camz.." She whispers, not wanting to scare the girl away, not again.

"Lauren, I- what are we.. are we.. are we friends?"

Lauren sighs, not really knowing how to reply in a way that won't scare the girl even more. "I mean, also. Right?"

"And also what?" Camila is quick to reply. Lauren continues to making circles on her arm softly, wanting to relax the girl.

"Camila I don't think we should know all of that yet.." She replies softly, not stopping with the circles on her arm as Camila's heartbeat doesn't really seem to slow down.

"But I.. I need to know." Camila replies. "Cause I missed you a lot when you were gone and I couldn't really stop thinking about you and I-"

"I'm a world famous singer Camila. A world famous, alcoholic, singer. And I'm a mess. And I'm a lot. Okay?" Lauren breathes out, sitting up slightly, against the headboard.

"I'm a lot too." Camila says, sitting up as well as she stares at the famous singer, who's lit by the faint moonlight shining into the room.

"You're in college Camz.."

Lauren watches how Camila's eyebrows furrow. "So?"

"So.. you shouldn't want anything to do with me.. not like that anyway."

"Like what?" The brown eyed girl asks, het mind filled with all kind of things and thoughts.

"Like.. you know how." Lauren breathes out, rushing a hand through her hair nervously. She's shaking and she knows why. "Camila listen.." She says then, sitting up on the bed with her legs crossed. Camila stares down at her hands and fidgets with the sheets.

"Camz.." Lauren whispers, moving her hand over to Camila's chin to lift it up slightly. She notices how the girl's eyes are a bit watery and she shoots her an emphatic smile. "I like you, okay?" She says. "I like you a lot." She adds, her voice shaking with nerves. "But this.." She points in between her and herself with her finger. "This is going to be ruined by everyone and everything when we make it something now."

Camila looks down again, her hanging in front of her face as she tries to hide the fact she's crying. "Camz.." Lauren breathes out, a tear rolling down her own cheek as she brushes some hair out of the younger girl's face. "I think right now we should just be friends, okay?"

Camila's head lifts up and she gives the other girl a defeated look. "I'm in love with you, Lauren. How do you expect me to do that?"

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