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Lauren had pushed Camila down onto the blanket slightly, so that she could lay down on top of her comfortably while her lips were of course still connected to the other girls'. 

"Has anybody.. ever told you how.. fucking good you are at.. kissing?" Camila asks her in between kisses. A little giggle makes it's way out of Lauren's mouth and lands on Camila's cheek as the older girl is now placing kisses all over her face.

Camila's hands are placed on the small of Lauren's back as they're shamelessly making out on top of a cliff, in the middle of nowhere. "You're a good kisser too." Lauren whispers against Camila's neck, which is then attacked by her mouth.

"No, no, no, no.." Camila says, pushing Lauren off her and sitting up. "No, Lauren Jauregui. It's my album release week. You know that I can't walk around with these.." She says, pointing at her neck while Lauren is now sat next to the brown eyed girl, an arm wrapped around her waist as she stares at the red spot in the young singers neck, that might become a hickey.

She shrugs her shoulders. "At least people will know that you're mine." She says, the words coming out smoothly and fast. Her cheeks flush with red when realising what she'd said. "I- I mean- you- you know what I m-"

A huge smile is plastered onto Camila's face as the brown eyed girl runs a hand through her wild hair, the sea wind messing it up again anyway. She tilts her head slightly and looks at the girl sitting next to her. "No I have no idea what you mean.." She teases. "What are you talking about?"

Lauren, who is staring down at her own lap, frustrated with herself, scrapes her throat before looking up. "Camila.." She wines, her eyebrows furrowed. "You know how bad I am with words.."

Camila laughs, poking the other girls' cheek playfully. "Says the award winning writer of many hit songs." She teases. "I'm sorry babe but you're gonna have to come up with a better excus-

"I love you." Lauren says then, out of the blue, making Camila's wide smile, turn into a look of surprise. 

"I love you too." She replies, her cheeks painted pink now. She stares at Lauren, who seems to be struggling. "And I love it when you say that." She adds, smiling at the famous singer. The sky was completely dark right now and the only thing lighting up the girls' faces was a single candle standing in the grass next to them, carefully placed in a glass bowl, by a very carefull Lauren Jauregui. And together with the moonlight, it's a beautiful combination.

"Camz.." Lauren breathes out, looking up at the girl from her lap. "I want you to be mine. I've wanted you to be with me for a long fucking time now and then I screwed up.. a lot of times.. And I know that." She takes a deep breath. "I just hope you can trust me enough to give yourself to me again. And I understand if you can't or if you can't yet.. but I want you to know that I'm ready to give my all, my literal all, to you. I'd give anything to you and I'd do anything for you Camila. So please.. if you want to be.. be mine?"

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