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"Lo, pleeeaase tell me there will be food.." Camila wines, throwing her head back slightly as she sits behind the wheel, eyes on the road.

Lauren chuckles and then puts her hand on the other girls'. "Yes, Camila, there will be food." 

Camila smiles widely then and puts up one of her arms in victory. "Thank god. I'm starving." 

Lauren stares at the girl next to her, a stupid grin on her face as she does so, before she watches how the sun is slowly starting to sink. She leans forward again slightly, to turn off the navigation system. "To the left here." She orders, to which Camila frowns.

"But theres no road over there."

"I know." Lauren smiles.

Camila shortly gives her a confused look but then shrugs and slows the car down slightly, before turning left and driving onto a grass field. They drive over the field for a while, until a few trees appear and Lauren orders the other girl to pull over. 

"Here?" Camila wonders. "Lauren, are you like jealous of my fame already? Are you planning on killing me?"

A loud laugh escapes Lauren's throat and she pushes the other girl's shoulder. "Fuck off and pull over, Camomi."

"What the fuck is a Camomi?"

"I don't know." 

"Are you drunk?" Camila asks, a smile on her face. She knows she's being an asshole.

"You're a dick." Lauren smiles. "And no, I'm just a little nervous." 

"Aawhh little Lolo is nervous for our date." Camila says as she parks the car next to one of the trees. 

Lauren groans. "I just want you to like.. this.. our.. our date.. okay?"

Camila leans over and presses a kiss on Lauren's warm cheek. "As long as you're there, i'll like it anyway."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now