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At first Lauren is too shocked to respond. But soon she starts moving her lips against Camila's, who places a hand behind Lauren's neck, pulling her in even more.

Lauren's fingers graze Camila's cheeks before. Moving to the back of her head to tangle them in her hair.

It was passionate yet sweet and it was all Lauren had been waiting on for over four months.

"I love you too." She mumbles against Camila's lips while both girls take a break in order to breathe. Camila's smile is something Lauren would die for, especially in this specific moment.

Their lips smash back onto each other and Lauren is pulled on top of Camila by the smaller girl. A surprised squeak makes it's way out of her mouth, which makes Camila giggle.

Their make out session continues for minutes, maybe hours, until their lips burn and their muscles ace. Lauren groans as Camila's tongue grazes her neck before she sucks on her skin roughly. "Fuck, Camz!" She says, sitting up a bit.

Camila snickers as she pushes herself up to look at the hickey she'd created. Lauren brushes the hair out the girl's face and notices how she's smirking. "That's going to be all over the internet if they see it." Lauren says.

"Well you better stay inside with me then."


"You're absolutely sure you're not high on drugs or drunk or something?" Lauren asks Camila for the third time as they make their way to the famous singer's bedroom, half kissing, half talking.

Camila giggles and shakes her head once again. "Is it really that hard to believe that someone can actually be in love with you."

"Jheez..." Lauren breathes out as Camila attacks her neck once more with her lips, pushing her against the bedroom wall. "It's.. It's amazing hearing you say that."

"I'm in love with youuu.." Camila sing-songs into her ear, making her smile widely.

"Gosh, I'm in love with you too." She says, admitting the feelings she has for the brown eyed girl, once again before lifting her up from the ground, making her squeal and putting her down on the bed. She looks into Camila's eyes then, making sure that the person she can call her best friend and lover now, is okay with whatever is going to happen between them.

"Come here." Camila says, staring back into Lauren's eyes, which look slightly hesitating. She pulls the girl on top of her and instead of kissing her, this time wraps her arms around her to hug her tightly. "We don't have to do this right now, if- if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to." Lauren breathes into Camila's neck. She probes herself up on her elbows and smiles at the girl underneath her. "I just think we should do this whole thing right this time." She says before moving her fingertips over Camila's cheek.

Camila keeps staring at Lauren's face. Amazed by how much the girl seems to have grown in a matter of a few months. She nods.

"Okay." She mumbles. "But-" She sighs dramatically and looks to the side.

"But what?"

"But- I-I don't know how long I can still wait with- with this." She says, pointing between the two of them. "Lo, we've waited so long already."

Lauren chuckles, pressing her left upper leg between Camila's legs, listening how her breathing stops for a few seconds before she sighs again. "Impatient." She mumbles, bending down to plant open mouthed kisses on the brown eyed girl's neck.

"Shut up, it's not like you don't want it."

Lauren sighs, moves up again and nods. "I do Camz, but I just wanna do it right. I want to take you out on a proper date first."

Camila's eyebrows raise. "You wanna take me out on a date?" She asks in disbelief. "No way."

She receives a slam on the arm by her celebrity crush and giggles. "I'm serious, I wanna do this shit right." Lauren says, pressing a kiss on the other girl's forehead.

Camila nods,wrapping her arms around her waist. "Okay."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now