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"How did you know this place was here?" Camila asks before biting into the piece of bread that Lauren had handed to her. 

Lauren giggles, kinda awkwardly, before looking away from the brown eyed beauty. "Well.." She sighs. "I- I - ehm, used to come here with my family."

Camila looks up from her beloved sandwich and curiously eyes Lauren down. "Oh." She mumbles. "Y-you never really talk about them that much.."

Lauren shakes her head before looking back up and taking a sip of the fancy bottle of sparkling  water. "I know.. ehm they- I- I mean, we don't really talk anymore." 

Camila nods, swallowing. "Yeah, I figured. Wanna like, talk about what happened?" She says, reading out her hand and squeezing Lauren's with it.

"Well theres not that much to say." Lauren shrugs. "I don't wanna like ruin our first date by like talking about that shit."

"You won't ruin it. I like getting closer to you, you know that." Camila comments, scooting over slightly, so that she's a little closer to the green eyed girl. 

"Well my dad is fine." Lauren starts of. "But my mom.. she, she can be a little.. mean. Or a lot. She can be mean. Mean as fuck." 

Camila nods. "What happened?"

"A lot of things. Like at first I became famous and she couldn't really handle the paparazzi so much, which I get. But then she found out she can sabotage them for money, so she started to tell them where I'd be at certain times, so they'd leave the house alone and go to wherever I'd be at the moment." Lauren explains.

"Whoa.. this was when you and your family still lived in one house?" Camila wonders.

Lauren nods. "Yeah. She'd like snitch on me and let me be photographed so she'd get some money. Not that we really needed it, cause I earned a shitload of money all of the sudden but yeah. It all started with that." She takes a deep breath and Camila kisses her cheek, to which Lauren recomposes. "Well and then I came out to her and she met my first girlfriend, Ashley." 

"Ashley.." Camila mumbles. "Ashley as in.. Halsey? I thought that were just stupid rumours."

Lauren smiles and shakes her head. "Well we weren't really like a thing.." She sighs. "But like we.. we.. you know we did it and-"

"Your mom found out." Camila guesses, to which Lauren nods. 

"My mom found out, big time. Like we were fully naked when she walked in." 

Camila put her hands in front of her mouth as she leaned against Lauren's shoulder. "No fucking way.." She mutters, to which Lauren nods, smiling.

"Fuck.." Camila giggles. "Shit. How did she-"

"She freaked out and didn't talk to me for like a month. Until one night my sister mentioned seeing Ashley at a party. She flipped out and threw like a spoon at me while we ate dinner." Lauren says, telling the story with kind of a smile on her face but then it turned into a frown. "Then I bought myself  a house, and I bought them another one, so that we wouldn't have to live together anymore." 

"And your dad?"

"He told me he loves me but that he loves my mother as well.." Lauren shrugged. 


"Then it all went down pretty fast. Ashley used a lot of drugs. So I started doing that as well and I drank a lot and I got even richer, which kinda made it worse. Then everyone was suddenly worried about me. I broke up with Ash and literally pushed everybody around me away. Even my siblings, who'm I adored. And then I texted you." 

Camila stared at Lauren in silence, watching how she looked down at her hands. "When did you date Ashley?" 

"Oh that was like three years ago now."

"Whoa, had the addiction thing been going on for that long?" 


Camila sighs. "I'm so glad thats like, over now. So sad to hear all that about your family though." 

Lauren shrugged. "I guess it's okay. They live in a nice house. I heard that my sister is in college now and my little bro in his last year of high school. It's fine."

"But don't you miss them?" 

"Yeah.. sometimes." 

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