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Lauren is terrified. Terrified someone will notice her at the campus and that the paparazzi will find out.

She hadn't told anyone where she'd go tonight. Well not anyone except for Camila of course. She and her and been texting non-stop ever since meeting, finally able to completely trust one another.

It's 8 p.m and the sky is dark. Lauren is sat in her SUV, which she drove here herself. Also secretly of course. She's trying to gather the courage to finally jump out of the car and rush over to the apartment block Camila had texted her earlier.

"Okay, come on." She mumbles to herself, her hand already on the door handle. "Come on Jauregui." She says, pulling her black hood over her head, her face almost completely hidden underneath it. It was raining again and she'd have to run through it in order to get to the brown eyed girl's room.

She opens the door then and jumps out of the car before closing it again and making her way over campus. There aren't many people outside and she just hopes that no one will see her or ask her anything.

It worked. She's standing in front of Camila's room, carefully knocking on her door.

"Oh my god." She hears Camila gasping from the other side. She must have seen her standing there through the little peak hole.

"H-hi." Lauren hears herself whisper when standing in front of the brown eyed beauty once again.

Camila just giggles and steps forward to hug the green eyed girl. "Careful, i'm-"

"Wet?" Camila finishes for the other girl, to which they both start laughing.

"Umm, yeah." Lauren giggles after having taken in Camila's amazing scent again.

"Come in." Camila says then, smiling at Lauren. "Before anyone sees you, you spy." She adds, taking off Lauren's hood while looking in her green eyes.

Lauren nods, mesmerized by the other girl's everything and steps into the room.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now