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Camila walks down the road, looking around for any paparazzi coming her way. Her hit Havana is playing on every radio channel at least once an hour and even though she hasn't even dropped an album yet, she's already made quite a name for herself. 

"Hey." A voice calls out as she walks into the tiny cafe she'd chosen for the occasion, the place being relatively quiet and serving great coffee, which is a beverage she consumes quite a lot lately. 

"Hi." She calls out as well, giving the person she greets a tight hug before she sits down and takes off her sunglasses. "Did you already order?" She asks, smiling at the person sitting opposite of her, smiling back at her. 

Lucy smiles and nods. "Of course, the usual Caramel Latte, right?" 

A smile appears on Camila's face. A genuine one, which is rare the past couple of weeks. "Thanks." She says. "So how are you?" 

"Girl, how are you? You had the busiest week huh?" Lucy asks, smiling and sitting back on the chair with her arms crossed. 

"Oh I'm fine." Camila says shortly, kinda dismissing the question. 

"Fine? You look, don't take this badly, but quite tired. Sleep well?" 

Camila shrugs. "Fine." She repeats. "I'm fine honestly, just really tired. Especially with the studio time and the performances and interviews. And besides that I still have a certain green eyed singer to care about." 

Lucy laughs. "For a second I thought you were talking about me."

"You don't have green eyes and you don't sing." Camila replies, chuckling as their drinks arrive. "Thanks" She tells the waiter, who nods and smiles at her weirdly. Camila has learned it to be the 'I know who you are' smile.

"How are you Lucy? How's work and life and everything?" 

Lucy shrugs, smiling when looking at the brown eyed girl in front of her while her hands wrap around the warm drink in front of her. "I'm good. Modeling is going great, I have like ten shoots every week, which is a lot. But certainly do-able. I like it. And the rest.. the rest is fine. Oh I moved, did I tell you that already. Big house close to 9th ave."

"You moved!? When?" 

"A few days ago. I think I've slept in the house like three nights now." 

"That's great. How is it?" 

Lucy chuckles and waves her hand. "Lonely?"


"Yeah." She smiles. "I don't know. It's quite a big house to live in by myself. I kinda realise now, how Lauren must've felt."

Camila nods while looking down at her drink. "Well I could come by somewhere this weekend maybe?" 

"You, Camila Cabello will have time to come by my house?" Lucy jokes.

Camila smiles. "Shut up." She says before taking a sip of the coffee that instantly wakes her up a little. "I'm serious though, I'd like to see your place. Are you free this Saturday?"

"That's in like two days, right?" Lucy asks, to which Camila nods. "Yeah sure, come by for a drink at like eight or something maybe, I should finish my shoot at like six."

"Okay, nice. I'll be there." Camila says, smiling at the girl sitting in front of her. Her eyes were brown and round and looked happy. 

"So you'll go and visit Lauren tomorrow?" Lucy asks, snapping Camila out of her daze, making her blink a few times before nodding. 

"Y-yeah. She'll get out next week." 

"I know, she texted me about it last night." 

"You still text with her?" Camila is quick to ask, involuntarily. 

Lucy giggles shortly before nodding and grabbing her phone. "Yeah, no worries tho pitbull, no romantic shit or anything. Just friends and I'm fine with that."

"Y-yeah." Camila replies, trying to act like she doesn't care either way. She does though. Of course she does. 

"Here let me take a snap of you and tell her I'm drinking coffee with you."

Camila is too busy staring at Lucy's brown, shiny hair and notices the whole thing too late. "Wh-what?" She mumbles, reaching forward to take Lucy's phone.

"Sent it." The model says easily before laying the phone down. 

"What? What did you send?"

"A pic of you, are you awake?" 

"Not really." Camila says, shaking her head. "B-but I didn't really tell Laure-"

"Oh god, she doesn't know we do coffee every week?" Lucy asks, her eyes wide as she stares at Camila's shocked face. 


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