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She let her bodyguards drive her home as she sobbed on the backseat, tears falling onto her grey sweater as she let it all go.

She'd sent Dinah a short text: He's here.

The girl hadn't replied yet, since she's probably working. The ride home took long, but she did notice that another certain black SUV was following hers and she was hoping that it was Camila, even though she cant stand the girl at the moment.

Her car pulls up in her backyard and she jumps out and runs over to the other SUV, which pulls up as well.

"Lo, I can explain everything. I swea-"

"YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN EVERY SINGLE THING CAMILA, BECAUSE I AM ON THE EDGE OF DISAPPEARING RIGHT OUT OF YOUR LIFE RIGHT HERE AND NOW!" She shouts at her girlfriend, who had jumped out of the car as well, reaching out for Lauren's hand. The girl had stepped back however, and was breathing heavily before turning around abruptly and walking into her house without saying any more.

"Lauren.." Camila says as she follows the green eyed girl into the kitchen.

"Explain." Lauren says, no emotion showing on her face as she pulls her phone out of her pocket before throwing it in Camila's direction.

"Fucking explain this, Camila

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"Fucking explain this, Camila."

Camila looks down at the picture before crossing her arms and looking back up at her girlfriend. "Babe, I can explain okay, let me explain it all, please."

"I'm waiting."

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