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"Thanks for the grand tour." Camila says as they walk back into the green eyed girl's room. "Now I'd like to hear more about how you're doing instead of how great the food is, if you don't mind."

Lauren chuckles and nods, two glasses of water in her hands. "Here, take a seat." She smiles at the other girl, who sits down at Lauren's small table opposite of the girl. "So what do you wanna talk about?"

"Ew, don't be like that." Camila laughs. "Just talk about you, idiot."

"Well I was finally sleeping when I was interrupted by a brown eyed girl with a high pitched voice and very soft lips."

Camila scoffs. "How do you know if my lips are soft?" She asks the other girl, who takes a sip from her water.

"You kissed my forehead, dummy." 

Camila's cheeks grow red then. "Oh, yeah." 

Lauren starts laughing at the girl's awkwardness and finishes her water in a few gulps after that. "But if you wanna know how I'm feeling right now, the answer is truly great." 

Camila smiles and sips at her glass of water too. "That's good to hear." 

"How are you?" Lauren asks then. "Have you been okay the past couple of months, weeks, whatever?"

Camila shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head slightly. "I wasn't feeling that well but the last week has been nice. Talking to you made it all a little better."

"Why weren't you feeling well?" Lauren wonders curiously as she eyes down the girl in front of her. She looked amazing, but a little tired as well as a little skinier than she remembered her to be. 

"Because of you."

Lauren smiles bitterly. "Well thanks." She jokes. 

Camila smiles. "Seriously though, I missed you and I was so worried about you the whole time. I couldn't sleep and I-" She stops and looks down for a second. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, Lo.." She says softly.

Lauren remains quiet and looks down as well. "I missed you too." She comments after a little while then. "And I thought about you a lot as well." 

Camila looks up again and flashes the girl a half-broken smile. Lauren feels bad then suddenly. She feels all the guilt she'd felt before, creeping back into her system in only a matter of seconds.

"C-Camila.." She breathes out nervously. "I'm so sorry for hurting you the way I did."

Camila looks down at her hands and swallows. "I- I know you're sorry.." She says in more of a whisper. 

"I'm so so sorry. I was really selfish and only thought of me and my alcohol and drugs and I even hurt you on purpose at some time and-"

"You what?" Camila wonders then, looking up, her eyes teary.

"I hurt you.. on- on purpose.."

A tear rolls down Camila's cheek as she shakes her head and looks down at her hands once more. "W-why?" She whispers.

Lauren takes a deep breath, reaches over to take Camila's hand in hers but the other girl quickly pulls her hand away and places it on her own lap. "Why, Lauren?" She asks again, this time a little more anger in her voice. "Why would you hurt me on purpose?"

"Okay.. wait no it sounds really bad this way.." Lauren says, a panic starting to rise in her head. "I- I mean it is bad that I hurt you but wait.. let me explain.. please.."

Camila nods then, trying to calm herself down as the girl in front of her seemed to be on the face of an anxiety attack. "Okay." 

Lauren nods and takes a deep breath then, her eyes fearful. "Okay.. so.. so when I went on tour, first of all I used a lot of drugs and a drank loads of alcohol, which is dumb, I know.. but I-"

"Lauren, that's okay. You were addicted. It's okay. I forgive you for that." Camila interrupts the girl, lifting her hand up to lay it on top of Lauren's trembling one then. 

"Okay.. well I.. I felt really bad half of the time. Especially in the day time. I just felt so stupid for the fact that a girl like you would like me. A girl like you Camz. You were and still are too good for me. I- don't- I didn't think I deserved you and so I.. I tried to run away." 

She takes a deep breath and composes herself before continuing. "So I used even more and I figured running didn't work because I kept missing you and you seemed to keep on missing me. So I decided on hurting you then. And that's fucked up, I know. But in my head it was only to save you from the fucking hurricane that I was. It wasn't meant in a bad way.. I hope you can unde-understand that."

Lauren is full on crying by now and tears make their way down her cheeks. Camila squeezes the girl's hand and nods calmly. 

"So.. so then eventually I figured the best way to hurt you was to-"

"Fuck Lucy."

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