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Six days later

It's the day.

The day Lauren will be released from the rehab centre.

Camila is ecstatic.

"Mila, calm the fuck down. She'll be there waiting on you, you know?" Dinah comments from her place on the bed.

"Shut up, I'm excited." Camila says as she looks into the mirror, putting her make-up on as well as she can manage. She's wearing one of her favourite shirt's with a pizza on it. She knows Lauren loves it.

"I know you are." Dinah smiled at her. "I'm excited for you. I supposed I won't have to count you in on dinner here?"

"Nope." Camila says. "I plan on spending all day with Lo."

"Ew. Lo."

"Shut up."

A stuffed animal made it's way to Dinah's head before Camila puts on her coat and kisses her best friend on the top of her head. "Have fun, loser."

"Thanks, asshole." She tells her before flying out of the room and making her way towards the car.

She tries to drive as safe as possible, but it was hard. She was so distracted with the idea of Lauren finally being out of there.

When she pulls up at the familiar building, she sees something else very familiar. She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Paparazzi.." She mumbles softly. She looks into the rearview mirror one more time before getting out of her car and putting on a fake smile.

The paparazzi notices her within seconds and storms towards her. She puts on a facade though and walks towards the familiar guard while they're yelling all kinds of questions and accusations in her direction.

"Good afternoon, miss Cabello."

"Good afternoon, Jefrey."

She walks into the building and is met with a smiling, gorgeous looking Lauren Jauregui. The girl is wearing a grey-ish shirt and a green skirt and looks incredibly happy to see Camila. The brown eyed girl walks over to her quickly and engulfs her in a tight hug. "Hi." She breathes out as Lauren does the same a second later.

"You look amazing." Lauren comments as Camila was just about to say the same thing. Before she can answer however, the familiar woman from behind the desk clears her throat.

"Sign here please." She says officially, not really liking Lauren that much anymore after the last time when she'd attempted to get out of the facility. Lauren nodded before grabbing her phone.

"Could you take a picture of us please?" She asks the lady, who almost rolls her eyes before nodding.

"Oh but Lo, there are a thousand-"

"Shhh." Lauren says before pulling Camila closer by her waist and taking the picture.

"Thanks." Lauren says to the woman before shaking her hand and then taking Camila's hand in hers as her backpack is swung over her shoulder.

"Lauren, there are a lot of paparazzi waiting outside." Camila warns the girl, who just shrugs and starts walking.

"I don't give a fuck."

Camila smiles.

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