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"Y-You didn't do that.." Lauren hears Camila stammer as she'd taken off to get their glasses refilled. The brown eyed girl is now rushing after her, curious for a reply.

" I Did." Lauren lied. Truth was, that after meeting the girl that one night in the club, she'd gone to the hotel without her and never seen her again. But she had to make Camila believe that she was the kind of person that did do it. She had to make Camila hate her.

"You wouldn't." Camila says, her voice uncertain however as she spoke at a lower volume than before.

"Well I did, Camila." Lauren replies, grabbing the bottle of wine after having put the two glasses on the counter and refilling them.

A force struck Lauren in her shoulder then before a thud sounded. "Wh-"

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Camila shouted through the kitchen. She's stood next to a shelf filled with cooking books and has two in her hands. Lauren realised then, that the girl had just thrown one of them at her, which was now laying on the ground. She let go of the wine glasses and turned around.


"YOURE SO FUCKING FULL OF YOURSELF, LAUREN JAUREGUI!" Camila shouted at her, right before throwing yet another book in her direction. The famous singer was right on time to duck down, or it would've collided with her face. "SO FUCKING FULL OF YOURSELF!" Camila continued, shouting. "ALWAYS TELLING ME YOURE SUCH A MESS, FEELING SO FUCKING SORRY FOR YOURSELF WHILE SCREWING WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S FEELINGS, HUH?!"

Another book flew through the air and Lauren jumped to the side, dodging it again. Camila groaned, tears in her eyes as she grabbed another set of books and magazines. "I'M LAUREN JAUREGUI THE SAD FUCKING FAMOUS SUPERSTAR AND I'M A SAD ALCOHOLIC!" She imitated the singer. "I LIKE SCREWING WITH COLLEGE GIRLS' FEELINGS AND FUCK THEIR WHOLE LIFE UP WHILE I FUCK OTHER GIRLS!"

Another book flew through the kitchen, this time not colliding with Lauren, but with the wine bottle that toppled over and rolled off the counter before crashing onto the floor with a loud crash. The red liquid that it had contained, washed over the dark grey, marble floor. Lauren was standing right beside it, staring at the furious Camila Cabello, who she and probably no one had ever seen like this before.

"I told you." Is what she said right before another book flew at her, this time hitting her in her stomach. She caught it and laid it down on the counter before yet another one flew through the air.

"STOP SAYING STUPID FUCKING THINGS, LAUREN!" Camila yells, her head red and her eyes watery as she steps closer to the famous singer, who steps back but is contained between Camila and the kitchen counter.

"IS THAT WHAT THIS ALL WAS? A GAME? WAS THIS SOME KIND OF ACT?" Camila shouts, throwing a magazine at Lauren, which kind of lamely flies in the air before flying down to the ground. "DON'T YOU TELL ME THIS WAS ALL FAke now.." Camila tries to yell, her voice cracking however. "B-because I-I know it was r-real.." She says, pushing Lauren back against the counter as she stares into her eyes while tears stream down her cheeks.

"It-it was real.." She repeats while now holding onto Lauren's sweater. "It was real.. right?"

Lauren had just heard the girl's heart break, and her own had been broken just now. She had broken her own heart and now she had to finish it. There was no turning back. She knew she could never forgive herself for being such a mean human being to such a pure soul. She had to save her.

"I- I.." She stutters. "It wasn't real, Camila.."

The little flash of hope that had still been left in Camila's eyes, was washed away now by a thousand tears. She wiped her eyes, furrowed her eyebrows and before Lauren could even react, the containment of one of the recently refilled wineglasses, was splashed into her face before the brown eyed girl walked out of the house without saying another word.

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