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"Hey." Camila's high, yet raspy voice speaks up.

"God I really do miss you." Lauren comments, making Camila blush. "Especially now that I hear your voice."

Camila smiles. "How was the show?"

"Amazing honestly. The crowds are always wilder down here in Europe." She says enthusiastically. "I loved it."

"Where's your next stop?" Camila asks, still smiling.

"Stockholm." Lauren beams.

"So you did decide to do a last minute Europe tour then?"

"Yeah." Lauren nods. "Management wanted it and yeah I guess I didn't really feel like staying at home either."

Camila nods. "Mhm."

"How are you?"

Camila sigh heavily. "Honestly?"


Another sigh. "Not that good."

Lauren sighs as well and Camila can hear her sit down. "What's up?"

Camila then decides on being completely honest with Lauren and herself for once. "You."

It remains quiet then.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now