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"Hi George." Lauren greets her driver and one of her favorite bodyguards as she walks through the gates of her Miami home.

"Miss Lauren, everyone was worried sick about you." The man says as Camila trails behind Lauren, still looking slightly impressed by the fact she has people that look after her as a job.

"I'm sorry, I had some stuff to do." Lauren replied easily. "Ill head back to Europe early in the morning." She adds, to which Camila's eyes widen.

"You're going back?!" She asks the singer as she keeps up with the speed she's walking through her huge garden with.

"Yeah I still have to finish the tour." She says to Camila as they finally reach her front door. "I still have three shows to do."

Camila sighs. "So you came here for-"

"For you." Lauren says, smiling over her shoulder as she opens the door. Camila's cheeks are flustered when they walk into the huge villa she hadn't been in for over a month. She then remembers the last time she was here and shivers.

Lauren closes the door behind them and takes the brown eyed girl's coat kindly. Camila can smell Lauren's scent all throughout the house and she smiles. "You smell nice." She comments, making Lauren's eyebrows raise a little.

"Thanks." The famous pop star replies before suddenly taking Camila's hand in hers and dragging towards the living-room.

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