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"My phone broke."

Lauren's eyebrows furrow as she's standing opposite of Camila, on the other side of her kitchen island.

"Sure." She says, narrowing her eyes. "Your phone broke."

"I am speaking the truth, Lo." Camila says, eyes wide. "My phone broke. I didn't have your number saved. My publicist is handling all of my social media accounts and switched the passwords. I couldn't reach you. I swear."

Lauren remains quiet for a little while before shaking her head. "What the fuck Camila, you could've made another account?"

"I did!" Camila nods. "But you didn't reply."

"I-" Lauren stutters, reaching out again to grab her phone. "I haven't been using any social media this week. I was scared I'd see more pictures of you and-"

"Yeah about that.." Camila says then, signing after. "I wanted to talk to you about that before it happened. But I couldn't reach you and- and it was planned, so I- it- it had to happen."

Laurens arms swing up in the air. "Sure!" She says, raising her voice. "It had to happen."

"It was kissing that guy once, or getting dropped by the label, Lo!"

Lauren scoffed. "Fuck off." She said, waving her hand at her. "That's ridiculous."

"It's true!"

A loud breath escaped Lauren's lungs before she smacked her hand onto the counter forcefully. "WHY DIDN'T YOU PROPERLY READ YOUR FUCKING CONTRACT, CAMILA!?"

Tears escaped the brunette's eyes as she shook her head. "I don't fucking know."

"Should've let me read-"

"You were in rehab."

"Oh." Lauren mumbles before letting out another long breath. "You kissed him, once?"

"Yes." She tells her girlfriend. "One awful time. I felt so guilty."

"Good, cause I felt horrible." Lauren says, still angry at the situation. "I still don't really believe you couldn't reach me."

"Check instagram and twitter."

Lauren unlocks her phone before checking her messages on the two apps.

"Check for Karla." Camila says, staring at her girlfriends' face.

"I can't fi- oh, here- here, Karla Cabeyo." Lauren says. "Jeez Camz, if I would've seen this, I probably would've thought this was a fucking fan account." Lauren says as she stares at the blank profile with just a name.

"Yeah well you didn't check."

Lauren's head snapped upwards. "I was too busy calling and texting you okay?" She says loudly. "Besides, I didn't want to see any cute couple pictures of 'Camila Cabello and her new flame'."

"He's not my new-"

"They're saying that Camz." Lauren rolls her eyes. "Isn't that what they want?"

"Y-yes but-"

"There's no but, this is what will happen for this whole year." Lauren says bitterly, turning away from her girlfriend and walking towards her living room. She throws her phone in the direction of the brown eyed singer, a new picture of Camila and Matthew popping up.

"You'll be performing your music all over the world and kissing your new boy toy and I'll be sitting at home, trying not to down that bottle of red wine

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"You'll be performing your music all over the world and kissing your new boy toy and I'll be sitting at home, trying not to down that bottle of red wine." She points at a cabinet in the kitchen before leaving her girlfriend alone and rushing up the stairs.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now