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"And the bedroom, which is fucking huge as well."

"The bedroom. You have like seven." Camila says.

Lucy rolls her eyes. "Yeah but this is mine, idiot."

"This is too big, why do you live here?" Camila wonders out loud.

Lucy shrugs. "Well one day I'd like to have a family and then we can live here comfortable. Plus I'd like to be able to throw parties and all that."

"You want kids?" Camila asks, leaning against the doorframe, half a glass of wine in her right hand.

"Yes." Lucy replies, seeming determined. "I mean one day."

"You're like 22 or something right?"


"Hey, same."

"I know." Lucy laughs. "But yeah, I like buying this house already because now I can afford it and then when I'll have a family one day, we can live here."

Camila nods. She never really talks about having a family with anybody. Not Dinah or Lauren and definitely not her parents.

"Do you want kids?" Lucy asks, making Camila nod instantly.



"No.. no in a few years." Camila says. "I'd like that."

Lucy smiles at Camila and looks into her eyes for a few seconds until Camila rapidly shakes her head. "S-So what about that swimming pool."

Lucy snaps out of her daze as well and nods before grabbing the other girl's free hand. "Come."

They two girls make their way down three sets of stairs before standing in front of a large wooden door which Lucy pushes open. She'd let go of Camila's hand a while ago, since Camila had kinda pulled it back after having finished her glass of red.

"Whoa!" Camila says, her amazement echoing through the huge room. A large, blue pool lit up the room, together with a hot-tub. "This is sick."

"I know right?" Lucy beamed, staring at Camila for her reaction.

"God, you should've told me. I could've brought my swimming suit."

Lucy giggled then and pressed a button on the wall, letting a rack of several bikinis and swimming suits rise up out of the ground. "Not necessary." She says before grabbing Camila's hand once more and pulling her over towards the rack.

Camila's heart started beating faster every time Lucy grabbed her hand, and she doesn't know if it's in a nice way or not, and so she pulled her hand back once more. Sure, Dinah and her held hands, but this felt different.

"Nah, I should go." She says, making Lucy's face fall slightly.


"Yeah, have early studio time this morning, sorry." Camila says apologetically.


"But next time?" Camila tries cheering the girl up, who fakes a smile and nods.

"Yeah sure."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now