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"I've missed you." Lauren breathes out into Camila's ear as she holds onto the girl. She watches how Dinah smiles as she leans against one of the book cases.

"I missed you too." Camila whispers, her eyes still closed. "But you're absolutely crazy for coming here."

The brown eyed girl steps back slightly and looks at the other girl strictly, her eyebrows furrowed. "And you look ridiculous with this, Lauren." She adds, making Dinah snicker from behind the famous singer. She taps the sunglasses on Lauren's nose and then the cap on her head. "You look like a bad undercover agent."

Lauren smiles. "I figured this would be more believable than a wig." She shrugs.

"And you didn't bring any security with you?" Camila rants on. "Jesus christ, Lauren."

"It's fine, we can jus-"

"People took photos of you. Shawn showed me a picture of you that's going through the whole school."

Lauren is slightly taken aback by Camila's harsh tone and looks down. "Oh." She mumbles.

Camila sighs before grabbing the girl's hand suddenly. "I- I'm still glad you're here though." She adds, her tone a little more kind than before.

"Okay gameplan, lovebirds." Dinah says from behind Lauren. The singer turns around to look at the blonde girl before stepping towards her and hugging her as well.

"Oh." Dinah says, a little surprised by the sudden body contact. Her eyes are widened and her eyebrows raised as she just kind of stands there.

"Thanks for helping." Lauren says as Camila chuckles.

"No probs." Dinah replies before the two stop hugging and she steps back. "Now let's try to get you out of this school without getting you killed."

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