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Camila was stood in front of the gates of Lauren Jauregui's Miami villa, a place where a lot of things between them had already happened. Beautiful things, but awful things as well.

"Hello miss Camila." George greets her as she smiles at him politely before walking towards the front door. She rings the bell after having checked the time. It was exactly 8 p.m, like Lauren had asked.

Camila wonders tremendously about whatever Lauren was going to tell her tonight but is snapped out of her thoughts when the door opens and an exhausted looking Lauren is stood in the doorway. She's wearing grey yoga pants and a simple, black hoodie. "Hey." She says a she looks at Camila shortly before looking down at the floor. "Come in."

Camila misses the hug she is usually given, but nevertheless nods. "Hi."

She walks into the huge villa, which somehow feels a lot colder than it usually does and passes the singer without looking at her. At least she tries to, but she can still feel the attraction, which annoys the shit out of her.

"So.." She says as she sits down on the couch.

"A drink?" Lauren asks her.

"Whatever you're having." Camila replies, nodding to the glass of red wine standing on the small table in front of her. Lauren nods and walks over to the kitchen to fetch the brown eyed girl a drink while she quickly grabs the whiskey bottle that is stood on the counter and takes a swig out of it, gathering herself before walking back into the living-room, which is quite dark looking. She turns on some dim lights and turns on the fireplace as well.

She hands the glass of wine over to Camila and their hands brush slightly as she does so. She shivers, being reminded of how crazy and amazing it feels whenever Camila and her touch even the slightest. She sees that Camila feels it too and it makes her feel even worse. She hates that it has to be like this. But she has no other choice.

"Camila.." She breaths out after they had sat on the couch in silence for quite some time. "I- I don't really know how and where to start.."

She looks at her, her face hard and emotionless as she takes a big gulp of her wine. "Start at the beginning." She says then after having swallowed her drink. "Start at the day you left me here like a happy person and turned into the stone cold bitch that you are now."

'Ouch..' Lauren thinks as she looks towards her hands and nods. "Okay.."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now