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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you- I- I didn't know you'd have- compan- Mila i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be a cockblock, pussy-stop, whatever.." Dinah-Jane Hansen had stepped into the room and was now red-faced and wide eyed.

Camila was sitting on top of Lauren's stomach as the green eyed girl's hands were on both girl's sides. It all looked a lot like something it really never was.

"Oh- oh no this is- uhm we weren't-" Lauren is the first one to speak up, since Camila was now a statue, sitting on top of her. She awkwardly moved her hands down and smiled at Dinah, who looked at the pair with a confused look on her face.

"Wait a fuckin' minute." Dinah said then. "No fucking way.."

"C-camila.. please tell me you've told-" Lauren hisses at the girl on top of her, who was just awkwardly staring at her friend the whole entire time, not moving a single inch.

"You're Lauren Jauregui.." Dinah stammers, stepping forward into the room with her mouth agape. "You're really fucking her. I- I mean it's really you!"

Lauren smiles up at the girl awkwardly and nods. "Yep."

"Camila you dumb ass hoe, why did you think she was lying the whole time? When did you- wait oh my god I am so interupting you guys. Fuck, Mila i'm so sorry. I'll just go back to Lisa's place again and slee-"

"Oh my god, no it's fine." Lauren told the blonde, stressing girl as she the girl on top of her just wouldn't move or say anything. She tapped Camila's bare thigh then, to which the girl seemed to shiver. Lauren smiled to herself and got the girl to move off of her.

"Hi." Lauren said then, sitting up and sticking her hand out for Dinah to grab it. "I'm Lau-"

"Yeah I know girl." Dinah said, shaking the girl's hand. "Dinah-Jane."

"And why the fuck are you so damn quiet?" Dinah asked her best friend then, who's cheeks were red and hair was wild.

"I- n-nothing." Camila stutters awkwardly, running a hand through her messy hair as Dinah and Lauren snickered at her. "She's tipsy." Lauren whispered at Dinah then, who giggled.

"I'm not." Camila laughs then. "Our last drink was like an hour ago."

"So?" Dinah and Lauren say in unison.

Camila shrugs her shoulders. "How was your week at your parents place?"

Dinah's face goes from cheerful to dreadful real quick. "Well.." She says. "Ill fill you in on all the details later but it was a tough week, can tell you that."

Camila laughs at her friend before getting up and hugging her shortly. "Glad you're back, DJ."

"Yeah we'll you've found new people to hang with I see. No one other than your biggest celebrity crus-"

"OKAY, that's enough." Camila says, putting a hand in front of her best friend's mouth. "Shouldn't you take a shower? You stink."

Dinah's eyebrows furrow as she bites in one of Camila's fingers, to which Lauren starts laughing loudly. "Shut up, go fuck yo girl, i'll be back in ten." Dinah says before rushing into the bathroom and locking the door.

Lauren is laughing her ass off as Camila's wide eyes are still staring at the bathroom door. "Gosh, i'm so sorry.." She mumbles. "Dinah can be so-"

"God damn funny, hell yeah." Lauren interrupts her.

"Embarrassing." Camila says. "But yeah, that too sometimes."

"I cant believe you didn't tell her that.. you know.. I'm me." Lauren says then, sitting down on the bed once more.

"Yeah well she was at her parents house all week and I haven't really got a chance to really tell her, you know?"

Lauren nods and stares up at the brown eyed girl. "I- It wasn't because you're embarrassed for me or anything? Right?"

Camila's eyes widen as she sits down next to the green eyed beauty. "No!" She says, louder than she had wanted. "No, no, no, not at all. I just haven't had the right time yet. I was going to tell her tomorrow but I had kinda forgotten what day it was and that she's be home tonight. And then you were here and yeah well you know?"

Lauren laid a hand on the girl's knee. "Okay." She says. "Thanks."

They sit in silence for a few seconds then, staring at one another. "Thank you so much for tonight, Camz." Lauren says then, before getting up from the bed in a swift motion.

"Y-yeah sure, I mean.. you too." Camila says, a hand running through her hair after she has gotten up as well.

"I should get going." Lauren says, picking her still soaked leather jacket up from the floor. "It's 2 a.m and you have a lesson at 9 and I have a meeting at 10."

"O-okay, yeah. We- you- you should." Camila mumbles, nodding.

"See you soon?" Lauren asks, smiling at the nervous looking girl with the dark brown locks.

Camila nods quickly and smiles back at the girl. "Yes."

Lauren then turns around and is about to walk out of the door when her wrist is grabbed by a certain brown eyed girl. "Lauren, I-" Camila whispers breathlessly, staring into her two green orbs deeply. Lauren steps closer to the other girl, looking down at her slightly.

"I- I.." Camila mumbles, still holding onto Lauren's wrist with a tight grip. She then blinks with her eyes a few times and clears her throat after having stared at her celebrity crush for a few long seconds. "I hope you have a good night still." She says then before looking away nervously, her cheeks growing warm.

She lets go of Lauren's wrist but notices how the girl doesn't immediately turns around to walk out of the door but stands there still. She dares to look up again and is met with those gorgeous eyes once more.

Lauren leans forward then and Camila instinctively closes her eyes just when she feels the softest pair of lips press a kiss onto her cheek shortly before a raw, husky voice fills her ears. "Goodnight, Camila."

Lauren smiles at her shortly before turning around, opening the door and disappearing into the dark hallway.

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