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"Dinah told me you were in the hospital and I freaked out." Camila says while making the both of them a cup of tea. It was 02:30 A.M but both girls were wide awake in the hospital room and the doctor had just left with all his nurses after having done his research. Turns out Lauren was going to make a full recovery and could go home tomorrow, which was good news of course, but also terrifying news for an alcoholic and drug addict who hadn't had a drink or anything in over 10 days.

"So I rushed over her immediately but the security people wouldn't let me through because there were so many fans waiting downstairs."

"Oh god.. what must they think.."

"Don't worry about that. They should think whatever they think. It's only opinions." Camila quickly added, to which Lauren's eyebrows raised. 'Damn this woman has become a hard one these past months.' She thinks to herself as she stares at her while she continues. "Anyway so I spoke to Lucy, who gave me her number and kept me up to date an-"

"Wait, you and Lucy actually-"

"Get along quite nicely, yeah. A miracle, isn't it?"

Lauren felt her cheeks turn red at the awkward situation. "Well I- I.. I hadn't expected it that's all.." She mumbles before Camila continues again.

"So yeah she updated me every single day and she told me yesterday that she was so tired so I offered to babysit you for the night and well here we are."

"Babysit.." Lauren mumbles. "Thanks.."

Camila smiles as she sits down again and hands Lauren her tea. "Careful, it's hot still."

"Thanks." Lauren nods before holding the tea in both her hands, warming herself up. This whole situation was so weird and strange that it made her shiver and get goosebumps. Guilt makes her way into her system again and she looks down at the cup in her hands. "Camz.. I- I'm really so-"

"Really.." Camila interrupts her. "Your'e really going to apologise now? 'Cause you feel guilty?"

Lauren's eyes widen as she noticed just how well Camila seems to be able to look into her head and understand her way of thinking.

"I've known you for one and a half years now, Lo. I think I know how your head works." She replies confidently.

"Oh-Oh.. ehm.. I-"

"I didn't come here to forgive you." Camila says strictly, staring into Lauren's eyes before the singer turns away again, looking hurt. "And I didn't come here to pick up on wherever we left."

Lauren can't help but feel hurt. She feels a lot for the girl sitting next to her bed and she'd maybe secretly hoped that they could at least have another chance. But it seemed that Camila had other mindset. "I'm not going to get myself hurt again, Lo." Camila says. "You broke me into a million pieces and I realised, especially these past days, that you need to start loving and caring for yourself first, before you can even like somebody else. You can't keep on abusing yourself like thit, killing your body and soul.."

Lauren looks up from her cup of tea and looked in Camila's direction. The girl doesn't look bitter or angry, but honest, relieved, yet slightly nervous. "A-and apart from that.. I-I think you should think about the choices you want to make in the future.." She says, this time a little softer. "Lo, Lucy likes you a lot and she's.. she doesn't deserved to be.. treated like this.. you know?"

Lauren stares at Camila, not daring to look away.

"She's a great girl. You should.. Yeah.. You know.."

Lauren is lost for words and before she can even reply a red faced, heavy breathing Lucy Vives walks into the room and Camila gets up. "Oh my god, Lauren!" Lucy shouts as she runs over to the other side of the bed to press a kiss onto the green eyed girl's forehead. "You motherfucker."

Camila's chuckle sounds through the room as Lauren stares up at Lucy, still thinking about all the things Camila had just told her. It was all so much. There were so many choices to be made.


"You scared the fucking shit out of me.." Lucy says, running her hands through Lauren's hair as she smiles down at her.

"Tend to do that." Lauren replies lamely, to which both Lucy and Camila laugh anyway.

"Idiot." Camila mutters underneath her breath before Lucy looks up at her.

"Thanks so much for being here, Camila." She says. Both girls smile at each other, both looking tired, bags underneath their eyes and skin looking pale.

"Not a problem." Camila replies shortly, smiling at the other girl. "Keep me up to date yeah?" She asks then, grabbing her brown leather jacket before getting up. "The both of you.." She says, and Lauren knows she's addressing her and nods.

"See you around.." Camila says then before walking out of the room, leaving Lauren and Lucy alone once more.

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