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A few days later:

JustLaur: Camilaaa?

ItsCameela: Fake Lauren?

JustLaur sent a picture:

JustLaur: kDo yhyou thindj I'm hhot?

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JustLaur: kDo yhyou thindj I'm hhot?

ItsCameela: eh are you drunk?

JustLaur: 😏

JustLaur: Maybe

ItsCameela: lol again

ItsCameela: And to answer your question, I think Lauren Jauregui is very hot yeah

ItsCameela: So yeah theoretically speaking I'd find you hot I guess

ItsCameela: IF ONLY you actually would be Lauren Jauregui

JustLaur: Psshh okayyy

JustLaur: Thatsd makesh me haaapyy

ItsCameela: ??

ItsCameela: Why?

JustLaur: Causej I am Launren Jaureguib, remember??

ItsCameela: Ah I see

ItsCameela: Still playing the game, even when ur drunk



ItsCameela: Sure jannnn

JustLaur: I thinkj u ajre hot

ItsCameela: Thanks?

ItsCameela: Where are you?

JustLaur: Afterpary

JustLaur: Its baoringd

ItsCameela: Its what??

JustLaur: Boringgggg!

ItsCameela: Go home then silly

JustLaur: Can't

ItsCameela: Why not?

JustLaur: Management wafnts me fo stay

ItsCameela: Wtf?

ItsCameela: Even when ur like this?

JustLaur: Yeh that Louis guy s here as kwell

ItsCameela: Oh that guy they want you to date?

JustLaur: Yeh, ai dont like hrim

JustLaur: I waonna slweep

ItsCameela: Go home then faky, enough partying for you today

JustLaur: But astupid Claire won't lest me go home

JustLaur: She sayy we need to getv to know each tofer

ItsCameela: You and Louis?

JustLaur: Mhm

ItsCameela: Thats dumb..

ItsCameela: Where are you?

JustLaur: Club in London

JustLaur: I justgot out of a backentrance tho. Don't anwant to be ariund these peopl

JustLaur: Ifly home tosmorrow

ItsCameela: Which home? You have like 10 houses? Right? "Lauren"

JustLaur: Haha lol, 3 housesg

JustLaur: Goingj back to LA tomorrows

JustLaur: Fuckf I

JustLaur: I ffell ha

ItsCameela: Fake Lauren, please be careful??

ItsCameela: I don't want you to get hurt

ItsCameela: You seem pretty drunk

JustLaur: And you ar pretty

JustLaur: Yourre verryyy pretty Camila

JustLaur: Like wowqkqiwoowww

ItsCameela: Haha thanks, you're cute

JustLaur: U too

ItsCameela: Please get a cab to ur hotel or something??

JustLaur: My jknee is bleedindng

ItsCameela: Your knee is bleeding?

ItsCameela: Are you okay?

JustLaur: Yesyesh I'm okay

JustLaur: I can'td get a cab

JustLaur: PaparAzzizi

ItsCameela: Ask someone to get you to the hotel or home or whatever please? Don't walk alone and be safe..

JustLaur: Fineesz I'll ask stupejf Claire

ItsCameela: Good :)

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