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"Today in the studio, we have a starting band called 'Seven'!"

A loud applause sounds through the studio and Camila feels her nerves rise up even more. "Let's go guys!" Shawn calls out before the drummer starts counting.

"Havana oh na na.." Camila sings proudly.

They eventually finish the wholes song and all of the people working at the radio station cheer and applaud. "That's great! Well be sure to check them out online, 'Seven'!" The radio host as Camila smiles at him.

"Just a quick question directed at the lead singer, Camila, was it?" Camila looks up and nods, a smile on her face. "Is it true that Lauren Jauregui.."

Camila's heart drops and she feels all the blood drain out of her face. "..came to see you guys when you were performing at a band night at your college?"

'Thank god..' Camila thinks as she nods excitedly. "That's true yeah, I havent seen her but some people here did."

"That's amazing folks, isn't it?!" The radio host says before skipping to the next song and saying goodbye to the whole band. When everyone is standing in the parking lot, having gathered all of their stuff, Shawn comes up to Camila.

"Are you just going to lie to everyone?" He asks her harshly. Camila grabs his arm and pulls him towards the side so that other people wouldn't be able to hear them. "Yes, Shawn." She hisses at him. "It's not something for other people to know so please don't tell anybody."

Shawn rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "It won't work anyway." He says. "A relationship shouldn't be build on lies."

"We ain't lying to eachother." Camila spits. "We're not even really a thing yet and we don't want the whole world to know yet. So please Shawn, please keep it quiet."

He rolls his eyes again but nods this time. "Fine."

"Thank you."

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