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"You- you're-"

"In love with you." Camila repeats. "Lauren I have all these feelings for you and it's not something I can just pretent to be gone." She says, fully crying now. Her voice cracks every now and then and her eyes are pouring tears over her face. "I'm in love with you.. yes you, Lauren Jauregui the famous fucking singer. I like you for just being Lauren and.. I'm- I'm in love with you, Lo."

"I- Camz I-"

"You don't have to say it back. I've known it for a while. You always care about me whenever I'm drunk and you take care of me and you make me laugh and you talk with me about serious shit and I feel like I could tell you anything and you'd still be my friend and don't get me wrong, Lo, you're a great friend. I just.. I fell for you and I can't undo it. It's just there."

Camila takes a deep breath then, as she feels Lauren's eyes bore into her skull while she looks down at her lap. "Don't look at me like that." She says.

"Like what?" Lauren asks.

"With those loving eyes of yours." Camila says, looking up at the girl next to her.

Lauren chuckles while wiping a tear off her face. "Why not?"

Camila shrugs. "It makes me want to kiss you."

Lauren looks at her intently, the smallest smile on her face as she stares at the best friend she's ever had. "Kiss me then." She hears herself saying.

Camila looks into her eyes with an intense stare before they shortly shoot down to her lips. Lauren keeps on staring at her, waiting for whatever choice that Camila was going to make. She's surprised when noticing a little smile on Camila's face as well before the brown eyed girl leans in and captures her lips softly, yet passionately. It's a short kiss and Camila pulls back fairly quickly, waiting to see Lauren's reaction as her eyelids flutter open after having felt those amazing lips on hers once again, this time without any alcohol involved.

Lauren's eyes stare into hers deeply, Camila can see all the colours they posses, even in the faint moonlight that shines into the room. She feels Lauren's hand creep towards the back of her neck though, as she's pulled back in by the singer, who places her lips on hers again, this time a little harder and just a little more needy.

Camila gasps when feeling Lauren's tongue on her lips, pressing slightly. She presses her tongue forwards slightly as well then, touching hers, making Lauren moan softly. That's when Camila's mind goes to zero and she pushes the singer onto the bed so that she's laying on top of her.

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