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Warning: If you're not into smut, skip the next two chapters ;)


"A-are you sure you wanna do this.. like now and with me and-"

"Babe.." Camila sighs, smiling at a suddenly nervous looking Lauren, who is laying on top of her, naked.

Lauren smiles down shyly. "Sorry, I just wanna make sure you're alright." 

Camila presses a short, loving kiss onto her lips. "I am more than alright." She says softly. 

Lauren nods and smiles a small smile while eying her girlfriend down slowly. "Good." She says. "Gosh, you're hot." She adds, making Camila giggle right before the green eyed girl places her right leg in between hers and her giggles turn into a whimper. 

Lauren grins at her before undoing her bra and taking off her underwear slowly, teasing the other girl by slowly dragging her fingers over the fabric before throwing it onto the floor. Camila pulls her back onto her, squeezing her ass while Lauren's leg is placed back between hers. She starts rolling her hips, trying to cause some more friction while also reconnecting her lips to Lauren's.

"P-please t-touch me.." Camila mumbles nervously but impatiently after some time. Lauren just smiles at her, and Camila digs her nails into the girl's back slightly. "P-please babe."

The green eyed girl moves her kisses towards Camila's neck and traces some patterns with her tongue while slowly moving her right hand down towards the other girl's core, dragging her nails over her skin slightly. When she reaches the girl's center, she immediately notices how patiently her girlfriend had been waiting for her. "You're so wet." She whispers, pleasantly surprised.

Camila wasn't planning on replying but wouldn't have had the time anyway, because Lauren plunged her fingers into her, making her hips buckle upwards, off the mattress. A loud moan echoes through the room while Lauren slowly pushes her fingers in and out of Camila's core, massaging her clit with her thumb while riding on her leg herself, also in need of some friction already

"Fuck.." She hears Camila whimper as she adds a third finger. The girl's moans grow louder and her hips move up and down from the bed, her nails digging into Lauren's back. 

"Is that nice?" Lauren asks, already knowing the answer when seeing the expression on her girlfriend's face. 

"F-fuck.. Lo, that's so good!" Camila moans, one hand now gripping onto the bedsheets. "Don't stop." 

The green eyed girl bends down again to nibble on the other girl's neck, while plunging in and out of her, quickening the pace. "Fuck, you're so hot, Camila.." She whispers, her tongue moving over sensitive skin while she's riding on Camila's leg, feeling her own tension building up as well. 

"I-I-" Camila stutters, hips bucking up and down without any control. "I-I'm gonna-"

"Come for me baby." Lauren says, right when her girlfriend let's out the loudest moan yet, her eyes squeezing shut as her hips move up and her body starts shaking. She keeps moving her fingers while Camila comes undone, body tense one moment, and relaxed the next. 

A small smile appears on the brunette's face a little while later, as Lauren still lays on top of her, staring at her face and smiling as well. She let's out a soft giggle when seeing Camila open her eyes and looking into her eyes. She presses a kiss onto her cheek. "Did you like that?"

Camila scoffs and shakes her head, smiling. "That was amazing."

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