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Camila is stood in front of the large gate she wasn't allowed to pass at first. "I'm here for Lauren Jauregui." She tells the same guard that had been so impatient with them about a month ago. "And this time I got this." She says, holding up a filled in document that she'd printed out.

"Okay Ma'am," The guard says this time. "this way." He opens up the gate and lets Camila walk right through while Dinah is waiting in the car, yet again, wanting to give the girls their privacy.

Camila walks into the building, the guard pointing her to the front desk, where she shows her filled in papers again before she is checked for any weapons, drugs or anything dangerous really. Eventually she walks into a large, white, hallway, in the end a grey door is guarded by yet another guard and is opened for her. She then steps into another room, no longer followed by any guards. The woman at the front desk told her that the visiting period will be over in two hours and that she is to show herself back at the desk again then.

"LJ is waiting for you in her room." Someone tells her, she spins around and is met with two very bright, blue or greenish eyes. It's a guy with loads of tattoos and a very deep voice which she recognises. "O-oh thanks!" She says. "You're Ty, right?"

"The one and only Ty Dolla Sign." He replies, a smile on his face. Camila smiles back, trying to hide her surprise. She hadn't realised practically everyone in here was famous and that she'd be face to face with Ty Dolla Sign, one of her favourite rappers.

"Nice to meet you." She smoothly says, observing his long dreads before turning around again. "Which number is Lauren's room?" 

"26." Ty calls after her as she's already making her way towards the other side of the room, where she saw the rooms were located. "Thanks!" She calls over her shoulder before adjusting her bag on her shoulder and making her way towards the room the green eyed singer would be in. She felt her heartbeat pick up as she got closer and couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

She knocks the door softly when standing in front of Lauren's room. "Lo?" She calls out, wondering what the girls is up to and why she wasn't waiting at the door like she had told her. 'What if something happened?!' Camila suddenly thinks to herself. She pushes the door handle down and opens the door quickly.  

The room is mostly white and brown. Multiple plants had been placed on shelves and the sound of soft music filled her ears as she looked around herself. "Lo?" She said again, this time a little softer. The green eyed girl is laying on her bed, on top of the covers. She hugs herself as she lays there peacefully, her eyes closed as she quietly snores. 

Camila feels a smile creep onto her face, happy that the girl is finally asleep, after what feels like forever. The girl had been having trouble sleeping every single night. Nightmares would taunt her mind and she would not even dare to close her eyes, scared she might do something to herself again. 

Camila steps closer towards the bed and kneels down. She stares at the girls' face for a small amount of time before she leans forward and plants a kiss onto Lauren's forehead, making the girl jolt awake with a loud scream. "AAH!" Her eyes open wide. "G- GO AWA- C.. Camila?" 

Camila is still kneeling down next to the girl's bed. "It's okay. It's me." She says as calm as she can, not wanting the other girl to panic.

"C-camila?" Lauren repeats. "Camz!" A smile appears on her face as she sits up abruptly. 

"I'm sorry I had to wa-"

Lauren is on her feet suddenly and practically dives on top of the brown eyed girl. "OH my GOD, you're here!" She calls out, laying on top of her. "You're really here!" Her voice is high-pitched and sounds happier than Camila ever remembered it to be.

"I'm here." Camila wraps her arms around the girl from underneath her and smiles widely. "I'm finally here."

"Oh my god, this is so unreal." Lauren breathes out. Camila can hear that she is on the verge of crying and holds onto her even more tightly. "This is so unreal.."

Camila remains quiet then and takes in the girl's familiar scent, which even though she doesn't use her regular perfume here, or her regular shampoo, is still there somehow. "I've missed you so much." She breathes out, her eyes closed as Lauren is still laying on top of her, her head on her shoulder.

"I've missed you!" The green eyed singer says. "So much!" She props herself up on her ellbows and takes some time to stare at the other girl's face. "And I've missed your face.. your.. your smell.. jesus.. I've missed everything about you so much!"

Camila starts laughing when Lauren starts to sniff her neck like some kind of dog and runs a hand through the girls hair. 

"Oh my god, and your laugh!" Lauren then says, a big smile on her face. "Your laugh!"

Camila smiles as they look into each other's eyes. Then out of nowhere it seems, Lauren's eyes become watery and the girl starts crying before rolling off her, onto the ground. 

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