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"H-hello." Lauren's voice sounds unfamiliar to her own ears.

"H-hi." She hears Camila say. Her limbs start to shake as she stands there in the middle of her living room never having been more surprised in her entire life.

The two girls remain quiet, neither of them knowing what to say.

"How- How are you?" Lauren hears Camila ask. She can't help but to let out a dark laugh.

She ignores the question. "Camila?"


"I need to see you."

She listens how Camila seems to take a deep breath. An answer is all that Lauren needs and yet it doesnt seem to reach her ear.


"Lauren- I-"

Both stop talking, not wanting to interupt one another.

"I need to see you as well." Camila says then. "I miss texting with you so much."

"I do too." Lauren says, the smallest smile appearing on her face as she tries to imagine the girl on the other side of the phone. "Im scared though."

"Don't be."

Lauren let's out a nervous laugh. "Easy to say, hard to do."

"It's just me. You know me and I know you. I just want to see you Lauren." Camila whispers and Lauren's heartrate speeds up.


A giggle erupts from the other side of the phone. "Fuck I was kinda hoping you could come over now."

"Its 2 a.m" Lauren laughs. "And I'm drunk." She adds on a darker note.

"Oh." Camila says. "Well sleep then, and take care of yourself Lolo."

"I will."

"Please come and see me tomorrow. Ill text you the location."

"I- I do have a mee-"

"Please Lauren.."

"Fuck the meeting." Lauren immediately says, gaining a laugh from the other girl seconds later.

"Ill see you tomorrow?" Camila asks.


"Okay, sleep well Lauren."

"Sleep well Camila." Lauren says, her voice shaking.

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