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At first the green eyed girl was startled, so startled that she completely forgot to kiss her back. She was so concentrated on the feeling of Camila's soft, pink lips on hers, that she completely forgot to kiss her back.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds before Camila hastily pulled back, probably noticing the lack of response from the slightly taller girl. She stared into Lauren's eyes for one more second before ducking down slightly and rushing out of the bathroom.

Lauren was left standing there like an idiot, her fingers brushing her lips, before she realized she had someone to run after. That someone was already putting on their coat however, when she came down the stairs, and rushed into the hallway.

"Camila, wait!" Lauren calls out, running after the girl, who was already opening the front door and stumbling out of it.

Lauren is quicker than the other girl, since she's still pretty intoxicated and gets ahold of her arm. "Camila, it's okay. Please just come inside.."

"I'm going home, L-Lauren." She slurs.

"You can honestly sleep in the guest room. Come on, you're really drunk."

"I don't wanna sleep here." Camila says, hurting Lauren slightly without even noticing it.

"O-okay yeah, let me drive you home." She tries.

Camila dramatically shakes her head. "Please.." She sighs. "I need some time alone.."

Lauren sighs as well. "I can't let you go home like this."

"Yes. I want to."

"Ill let George bring you. Will you accept that at least?"

Camila rips her arm away from Lauren and shakes her head stubbornly. "Come on, please.." Lauren tries, already calling her private driver.

Camila rolls her eyes dramatically. "Whatever." She mumbles.

A minute or so rlater George appears from behind her. "Here to bring you home, miss Camila." He says kindly, sleep in his eyes still.

Camila simply nods, looking at Lauren one last time before turning around and following the man into the night.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now