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The two girls had been sitting on the blanket that Lauren had laid down for a few hours now. The sun had completely set and Camila and her had been talking about everything and nothing. The stars were slowly coming out and the soothing sound of the waves crashing onto the shore could be heard as Camila laid on Lauren's lap, staring at the sky.

"Look, that one is you." She said to Lauren, who laid on her back as well, staring at the moon and pulled out of her fixed gaze by Camila's high pitched voice. She followed Camila's pointing finger and her eyes landed on a star shining so bright, it stood out quite well.

"No it's definitely you." She says, her fingers playing with Camila's hair. "You shine so bright when you walk into a room you're like-" She stops talking, coming to a conclusion in her head. "Okay no, you're not anything like that star." She says, correcting herself. "You're like the sun."

Camila's giggles make their way into her ears. "No really." She says. "You're the brightest thing in the universe." She says. "Plus.. you're pretty hot." 

A loud laugh makes it's way out of Camila's throat before she slaps Lauren's bare leg. "Well then you're the moon. Pretty cool looking and.. round?" 

Lauren giggles and shakes her head. "Really romantic Camila.."

The brunette sits up and smiles at her. "Calling me hot is romantic?" 

"Not but it's the truth though." Lauren says as she sits up as well. "And you fucking know it. Have you seen the outfit you're wearing, miss Cabello?"

"Oh this?" Camila says, pointing down at the small, black dress she had chosen to wear. She shrugs. "This is just my everyday outfit. I don't know what youre-"

"Shut up and kiss me." Lauren says, suddenly closer than Camila had expected. Her heart makes a little jump at the tone of Lauren's voice. She smiles and turns her head to the side a little. "You could ask that a little more nicely.." She mumbles against Lauren's lips, which emit a warmth she's already wanting to taste. 

"Please kiss me?" Lauren asked, giving in immediately. 

Camila smiles shortly before leaning in and capturing the green eyed girl's lips once again. 

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